well..it's KHONG birthday!!wheeee~!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KHONG!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!make this birthday song short to saave space..LOL..
well..wake up today at bout 11.30am..get ready to go Jusco to meet up with Chiax,Choko,Kyan,Wenyi and most of all..THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!...LOL..wore a long-sleeves shirt bought by my bro..Mum pulak say..so fast wear new shirt..Chinese New Year how ar?..LOL..in my heart i'm thinking.."buy more new clothes laa"..LOL..but don't dare to say...LOL..get scolded by my dad in the car..saying i keep on hanging out..lie him..this that this that..argh~!!hate it!!moody all the time..till we reached grandma house..they sat there...eat..talk..chat...argh~make me wait and wait...finally he fetched me to Jusco..and gave me only RM15 and my mum gave me the same amount too..
Reached Jusco..went and find them in Capcom..but they don't even know i came..cause i told them i can't come at first..so give them a surprise..LOL..then i saw them in the photo machine area..and i scared them..LOL..they were surprised..LOL..and then we went walk here walk there..and Chiyee and Janeyi was there too..LOL..then me,Kyan and Chiax went to the capcom secret door..which leads us to the back of the cinema..and there it was the EMERGENCY STAIRCASE..we went in and went down..cause i wanted to show Kyan the hidden place which is completly look like a dance studio..but too bad is lock!argh~!so we went back to Capcom..
Then,Khong and them decided to watch movie..ALVIN and The Chipmunks..so we all agreed..and they went and buy ticket..and too bad..the place was in the fourth row in front..so we don't really wanna sit so near as our neck gonna be real pain the next day...but at last..we were bored..so we decided to buy those tickets..and our place was..D5-D12..Cinema 1..LOL..so we went to have our lunch in McD since the show starts on 2.45pm..after our lunch we went and watched our movies..
wow..the show was fabulous..is was nice and funny though..laughing the whole time..haha..too exaggerate..LOL..after the show we went walking and walking..and we went to Popular..to find Choko and them..then we saw Ying Ying and Ying Hooi..LOL..then Soongyi and Hooigee but they didn't notice us..LOL..then we all went walking and walking...then me,Wenyi and Chiax went to S&J to buy present for Khong..we keep looking and looking..but didn't found 1 thing which suits her..then we continue searching and at last we found a soft toy which was yellow in colour..and it was like so CUTE!..so we bought it and head back to Popular but we lost them..LOL..sms Kyan and she didn't reply..and we already guess that she is busy dating-ing...LOL..so went for a walk..we went to food court and saw Chiyee and Janeyi..bought 1 cup of sugar cane..damn thirsty..LOL..then went for a walk..and i saw my cousin bro,Dusit..then continue walk..until Chiax need to go back dee..
And we saw Apple and Peiyee too..and and andd!!!Liyuen was on the phone with them..wheee!talk to her for awhile..and gave it back to Peiyee..LOL..left me,Wenyi,Chiyee and Janeyi..then Janeyi gotta go back too..so left 3 of us hanging around..LOL..was dating with Wenyi..wheeee!!and at last..i need to go back too and so were they..and they can't find and contact Khong at all..cause her mum has reached Jusco..LOL..went for my dinner at East with my parents..went back home..bath..online...and till now..help Chiax edit her blog..and it was a HEADACHE to me!cause the stupid layout can't put in songs..argh~!..damn gik sei...at last managed the blog..
so..now gotta go sleep..school tomorrow..haihh...not gonna update this blog till i am free and can online..LOL..byebye~goodnites..enjoy!(:
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Yiyi aka kh0ng kh0ng birthday~
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Happie Burfday Khong!!=]
Schools Day Are Broing Days.xD
phew~!!it's the second day of school..this two days we didn't even went to classes yet..as we sat in the hall while listening to those teachers craps...LOL..explaning what's the use going to art class or science class..well..we decided to take art class..cause we know that we can't make it in science class..especially me..notice that i'm a real typical type of lazy pig..HAHAA..the whole morning in the hall...during the afternoon..we have our sport's house meeting..before that..me,Chiax and Chris went and have a look on those newbies..hees^^...once we looked..it was all INDIAN...GOSHH!!..this year form's 1 is mostly Indians..there were too little Chinese..LOL..and ya..on the first day of school..during the afternoon..while sitting on the hall..suddenly Chris and Chiax told me that..they saw two TBz which were quite yeng and tall..they tought they were form's 1..so i went and see..and once i look..it was actually Mad and Brandon...LOL..Mad came and see her laopo..while Brandon accompany her with two other girls..i think 1 of them is Marn Ning if i'm not mistaken..LOL..then i talked with Mad..i was wondering how they came in the school...LOL..Brandon say they came in through the main gate..WOW!!!..so brave!!!LOL..they even walked up those form's 4 classes..as they were in their own school..LOL..and then i asked them to walked through the back gate..since the main gate gonna full of discipline teachers and prefects..LOL..but the other two girls..went away dee..LOL...aite..continue with my story...after seeing those form's 1..we went for our sports's house meeting..as i went there and sit for awhile..i started sweating..as the hall was so packed..with Red House Member and form's 1 students...so i decided to join Kyan and Jojo standing behind there lepaking...LOL..then we saw Kyan sister..LOL..then we sat at the Main Gallery..and chat chat..till the bell rang~KRINGGG KRINNGGG!!!..all get ready to go back..Kyan and Jojo run back to the main gate..while i run to the back gate with Chiax..then we can't find Chris..she DISAPPEAR!!!...LOL...so we went out..and Chris was actually standing at the bus stop eating sweets from ShinWei..LOL..then Issac[Chris Son]..LOL..came...then we chat till he wait for the bus to come..LOL..to go back ACS..at last..my dad came..so i went back..have my lunch..then take a nap..till 4..then only i have my bath..LOL..then i get ready to go to Chiax house and together go tuition..LOL..i reached her house..and we online for awhile..help her on her blog settings..and so on..brought my pendrive too...save some songs and setup..hees^^...is time for us to go AndaJaya..her sis bf fetch us there..we reached and we went up..then it was like..WOW..there were no place for us..as we didn't book places..the class was like so full till the students gotta bring in chairs and sit till the door can't even open..LOL..it is all because of that CHONG WEN YI!!!!she is the one who say no need to book so early as we want to book during the holidays..huiyor~!..so we sat down..discuss with the aunty..in which day taking up those subjects..so after choosing all..i and Chiax decided to go Wijaya to ask for Prinsip Akaun..we walked there..and too bad.they doesn't teach Prinsip Akaun anymore..so we took Science in Wijaya..after that we went to Kopitiam..and have some drinks..after some drinks..we decided to go back as it is raining heavily..while we were walking back to Kopitiam..i saw someone opposite..it was Fishy..and i was like..o.0..her shop is here??at first i told Chiax whether wanna eat anot?but see see it's renovating..so we went off..and in such coincedence it was Fishy's shop..as i heard from Wenyi her family open a restaurant..so we went back to tuition..and wait till 7.30 we went down and wait for Wenyi..about 7.50 she arrived..i and Chiax were actually sitting down..LOL..and she came and sit with us..but i don't really talk to her..maybe cause i'm in a bad mood?i don't know..LOL..then it was already 8..and i asked her to go back her class..as her class starts at 8..she still don't want..as she say she wanna wait till i go first..haihh...then Chiax's dad arrived..so i say a bye to her and went to the car..so FUHIN hor??then i reached my granny house..then went home..then i was like so moody..don't know why and don't really wish to tell out here..=[..then i sleep..suddenly i heard my message tone..so i woke up..and read it..it was Wenyi's message..so i reply but in a moody way..then *SOMETHINGS HAPPEN* till around 12 something..then she called me..we were on the phone till..i don't really know how long..i recorded the conversations again..LOL..then gotta hang up as she got CO tomorrow..so say byebye laahh..then hanged up..i went down to have my supper..sandwiches..yummy~..ate a few while listening to those recordings...LOL..then went up and start to write this blog..well..it's enough for now..gotta go and sleep now..goodnight...zZzZzzZ~
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Last Day To Enjoy!x(
well..wake up at 2 something today..kinda tired actually..having terrible cough and ulcer on my lips..OUCH!..first thing i do when i wake up is message my dear..since she asked me to message her when i wake up..but then she didn't reply me..LOL..so i went and sign in Msn and i saw that babi Wenyi online-ing..LOL..but her status was Away..so i didn't find her in Msn as well..so i went and checked my Friendster and so on..then Wenyi replied me..so we were chatting until i saw her status in Msn changed to Online..so i went and find her in Msn..i asked her.."why duwan find me in Msn huh??"..then i get scolded from her..LOL..she say.."I SMS-ING WITH YOU EMA!!!"woww..isn't she firece?LOL..so we were chatting till she gotta go and practice her DAMN piano..LOL..so i decided to have my lunch..i went downstairs to find for food..unfortunately there were no food on the dining table..my parents went out and left me and my bro in the house..so i decided to cook instant noodle for my lunch@tea-time[it was bout 3pm that time..HAHAA]..suddenly my bro came out from the study room as he was studying for his degree paper tonight..and asked me to call my mum and asked whether they got buy lunch for us anot?..so i went and call my mum and asked..then she say.."ohh..i forget to buy..but later i buy laa for u all..if cannot tahan..then go eat maggi mee..alot in the drawer.."..=.=|||..so i told my bro what my mum say..so we decided to cook maggi mee..LOL..i went up to checked my Msn and saw Wenyi reply..i told her to wait..brb..so i went downstairs again to have my lunch while watching Little Man Dvd..LOL..after finishing my lunch i went upstairs and continue online-ing..and i saw Wenyi reply again..she tought i sleep..then she nudge me..but when i reply her..she didn't reply me back..SOB..so i decided to take a nap..normally after food i usually take a nap..but it doesn't make me fat at all but i have a big tummy..LOL..not TOO BIG...haha..suddenly i feel some vibrations on my bedside..so i wake up and checked my phone..it was a message from Wenyi..then we SmS..i was sms-ing while half-asleep..i can't open my eyes totally..just gonna open a little bit to see the message and reply..later on..i close it back..LOL..then bout 8 something i wake up entirely..LOL..went and online..chat and chat...then went down for dinner..Wenyi wanted to hear my voice..but i can't figure out why..since my phone is out of credit..so she decided to call my house using her house phone..i was eating bbq pork rice while talking with her..LOL..and surprisingly my mum didn't even nag at me..normally..she nag at me when i played with my phone..LOL..we talked till her dad came back..and we still continue till her dad came up to her room..so we gotta hanged up..SAD!!!=[...so we message each other till she wanna sleep already..so we stopped sms-ing and till now..i'm writing this post..while writing this post..suddenly got 1 misscall from Wenyi..and i tought she slept already..then i message her asking her what happen?and she say she can't sleep..LOL..so till now i'm still messaging with her..and i'm gonna end here..tomorrow gotta wake up early for the FIRST DAY OF FORM 4 LIFE!!...LOL..well..goodnight!!gonna update this blog as soon as possible..as i can't online that much on school day..=]
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I Love You Dear~
Dear..this post is specially written for you..i wrote this cause i can't figure out any way to express my feelings for this six months..i hope that you gonna like this post..hehe..perasan..dear..it's been six months we been together..and it is a big day today..is our half-year..i can't believe that we can sustain this relationship for half year dear..because i keep thinking i'm not the right person you want or the right person which suit you..everytime the time pass..i will be thinking."Will you gonna leave me??"..whenever this question appear in my mind..i started to get moody and sad and most of all..worried..so i keep myself steady and calm by saying.."As long i love you,is enough..If you gonna be happy by leaving me..i will let you go..you happy i'm happy..i don't want to see you sad being with me..i am hurt seeing you sad..so i willing to let you go.."this words will gonna appear in my mind when i'm thinking negative stuffs..you should know what is negative stuff means ryte?...I know that this six months..i been making you cry,sad and moody..i don't mean to dear..it's my attitude..i admit i have some serious attitude problem such as sensitive..I'm really a sensitive person..whenever it cames to you and your ex i surely gonna be moody and i'm gonna treat you real moody type..and i know you dislike it and hate it and you gonna be sad..i really don't want to make you like that sweetie..it is all because i really scared to lose you..maybe i'm being over-protective because i cared for you dear..i hope you really understand what i'm doing ler dear..i just wanna say i'm really sorry dear..for being so sensitive and over-protective..i'm gonna change my attitude just for you..sometimes i do think that you don't love me anymore..and i'm sorry to think like that dear..i'm sorry for not trusting your love..but now i realise that..you really loves me and i do really loves you too dear..i hope that you can forgive all my mistake that i've been done this six months dear..i hope nothing in the past can make our relationship end..whenever we have something that we don't really sastified it..we can discuss it kayy dear??i will tell you if i feel not sastified with anything dear..i hope you will do it also..this will help our relationship stays longer..well...i can't think of anything to write already..i can't be enough romantic or sweet for you cause i'm not those kind of person which can simply tell out any sweet words that can make you feel sweet..what i say is truely from the bottom of my heart dear..i never wish to have you forever as i know it is impossible for us..i just wish that our love can stays longer till it can't..and i swear that the only person i love is you dear..all i wanna say is..Bii~i really love you so much..i really can't lose you..i really can't take it if we break dear..for now and for future you are the only one gonna be in my heart dear..i love you dear...I LOVEE CHONG WEN YI~!!!!mwahhhhh...=]

I Miss Every Moment We Spend Together This Six Months With You Dear.=]

I Love You Dear!!!mwahhhh**

I Miss Every Moment We Spend Together This Six Months With You Dear.=]

I Love You Dear!!!mwahhhh**
Happy Half-Year Annivesary Dear!=]
Today is my big and happy day~!!!wheeee~!!Chiax woke me up at 12 something..and i was like..shyt!!i'm late..Wenyi misscall me a few times..OMG!!!i get ready quickly..and everyone get ready..then we are off to parade..at bout 1pm..hees^^...late already..went and find Wenyi while Joeger went and find his friends..at last we found them at the 2nd floor..Wenyi was wearing skirt with white tee..while Khong was wearing black stripes long sleeves and her hubby was wearing green stripes long sleeves too..everyone of us wore stripes shirt except that babi Wenyi..hees^^..then we went to food court to have our lunch..we ordered 2 claypot rice and 2 mango juice..yummy~!!!Kyan and Khong went dating and left me,Wenyi,Chiax and Chris in food court..LOL..after finish eating..we walked to Kopitiam toilet..and we saw that babi Ryan..He called me when i was in food court just now..he asked where am i..apalah..huiyor~then we walked together..and we stand in front of SushiKing,i think for almost half an hour..LOL..we chat there..talked bout hairstyles and many more..Kyan went back home first..cause gotta recieve her computer...then she will be back at 3 something she say...then we met Jiayin..then she followed us too..then we walked to Digi shop don't know for what..forgot dee..hehe^^..then we went Philip Sum there and we stand there i think for an hour..LOL..actually is me and Wenyi who went there first..then they came and find us..ka-ka-cau-cau laaa..huiyor~!xD..just joking..LOL..then we talked and talked waiting for Kyan to come..LOL..then Chris say she wanna go back already..and i was like..what??so fast??..cause she wanna sleep..actually mau online wan this fellaa...LOL..then they went back..then left me,Wenyi,Khong,Ryan,Jiayin and Kyan which arrived later...LOL..Ryan went back..then we walked to Parkson and take a walk..then we went into a fitting room which can't occupied 4 of us..LOL..we all are too FAT..xD...then we took some pictures..but what came out is every pictures damn ugly..LOL..so i and Wenyi went in another fitting room and cam-whore while Kyan and Khong were in the other fitting room as well...we were at there till bout 5...LOL..then Wenyi and Khong gotta go back..since Khong's mum called..then we walked together to Starbucks and i gave Wenyi a goodbye kiss..LOL...i'm gonna miss her as hell as much as possible..sobx..school gonna reopens soon..and the chances of getting to see each other again gonna be 10% out of 100%...haihhh..me and Kyan saw them went inside the car..and we were like..SOBX...and Kyan chase the car..LOL..sot laa her..haha..then we took our cab and went back..i went back to Chiax house..and i realise nowadays teksi drivers starting to cheat younger passengers asif we have no brains..normally i sat back to Kampung Simee it cost me only bout RM5 and now..RM7 they charge me..wadddaa?!!!%#@*#!...whatever laaa..i will never sit outside teksi no more...gonna call a radio cab..is better..finally i reach Chiax house..and i went in..Chris bro came too...then my dad message me and asked where am i?is already 5pm..why aren't u coming back?are you lieing me again?notice the word.."LIEING"...this word is sensitive to me..i hate people who say i lie which i'm not lieing at all...i get moody and i told Chris and Chiax and i say i gotta walk back to my granny house now..then they accompany me to my granny house..we walked pass the basketball and it reminds me..how much i miss basketball...it's been so long i stop basketball..haihh...then we reached my granny house..and then my mum call them go in to have some look of blouses and skirts sell by my cousin sis..she openes a boutique in KL..and now she wanna end the buisness cause it's stressfull..so she bring back to clear the stock..so they have some look but they are not intrested with..so my dad fetch them back to Chiax house..and in the car..it started again..my dad asking me bout the RumJungle..say this and that..i was like so moody and i just answer a few...i keep on saying..when i tell the truth u say i'm lieing...if i don't tell u i go to Rum then it means i lie..so i told u that i went to Rum..and now u say i'm lieing..at last..they all were speechless as i never gonna open my mouth again..haihhh...we reached home..and i just went straight to my room..took a bath...get changed to house clothing...then online..then i started to upload pictures..update my blog..and chatting..yeahhh~!!!we finished our [AiR-B] remix!!!it's done by Kyan..wheeee~!!!now we have only 2 remix..but it's not really nice and it's not what we want..but we will still continue trying..thanks Kyan..hees^^..i'm gonna start remixing soon..after my computer has been gone to the workshop..LOL..having stupid problem...till now..i'm still writing blog..LOL..well...gotta sleep soonn...goodnyteeee~!!!loveee u dearr...half year~!!wheeee~!!=]

I Miss The Time We Spend Every Moment.=]
I Miss The Time We Spend Every Moment.=]
CountDown And Happy 6th months Annivesary Dear~!!!
31st December 2007-wheee~at last reached home ady~home sweet home!!!straight away went up my room and packed all my stuff...going to COUNTDOWN tonight!!!wheeee~!!!!...after finish packing all my stuff..i went and online again..upload pictures to my profile..chat chat chat~i called Chris and Chiax..they were in jj that time..so we planned for tonight plans..hees^^..Chiax gonna fetch me around..uhmm..6-7something...so i slowly take my time online-ing..LOL..i havent't even take my bath yet..LOL..*smelly*..xD..and when the clock strikes at 6..i went for my bath...just after i finish my bath..i get misscall and message from Chiax..i read it..and it says..Reach d...i was lyk!!waddda??i haven't dressed up yet..oh god~!!!i quickly choose a shirt and a jeans and wear it..then i pack all my stuff into my sling bag..as i'm gonna sleep-over at her house tonight..so i ran over to my dad's room to ask for money..wakkaaa*evil laugh*...xD..then he gave me only RM20..sobbx...then i quickly wear my shoes and ran out from the house and quickly get in her car as it was raining that time..i was experiment-ing her new phone..w910i in the car..LOL..then we reached Chiax house..and we went in her room..while waiting for them to take their bath..i was bluetooth-ing stuff..LOL..after everyone bath..we went to the dining room for dinner..her maid cooked..then i saw there's some vege in my soup..and asked Chris to help me eat..cause i hate vege so damn muchh...then things has started..Chiax's grandma start to advise me..LOL..she say..must eat more vege wan..face will be smoother and fairer..blahhh..come people house eat..must eat whatever they served...if not no manners..some more..she asked me..do i no what is manners??i was like...yea..then they all laughing...then they say she was just joking..don't take it seriously..and i was like..yeahh~i noe it was a joke..but still like embarassed maa..LOL..nevermind..i don't really care bout it cause almost everytime i went for dinner or lunch which have vege..thats the same thing my mum gonna tell me..so i'm already use to it..hahaa..then we sat in the room and planned for what are we gonna do later..so we went out to Nasmir at bout 9 something..then we went Infinity..and we saw Jerome,Edmond and ZhengYu playing dota..LOL..Chris dare me to talked to Jerome..so i went in and talked talked..LOL..then saw many people there..saw Ah Teh,Cody,Matthew,Alvin and Sheena..LOL..suddenly Minz message me and Chris..asked us where are we and where are we going for countdown..so we say we wanna go to RumJungle..can fetch?den he say suree..so we waited for him at Infinity..then he arrived..LOL..we went to McD first..cause they wanna buy their dinner..LOL..then we head to RumJungle..when we reached there..we keep on thinking if we can't go in..how??we saw Christine,Kiern and KahYahn and many more..then Minz called us to go with him..then we get in!!wheee~they used to chop a logo on our hand so we can enter freely anytimee..LOL..it was a VIP logo..hahaa^^...then the atmosphere was so damn fun!!it was noisy but it was FUN!!...there were many people hanging out there..and some more..Lost World is having some BeachParty organized by Y2K..we can't go as we need entrance ticket..and it cost RM60..so we decided not to go..then we hang around and we decided to walk to LostWorld to have a look of the BeachParty..then we saw Soongyi and HooiGee..i asked her bout the BeachParty..and she say it was boring...LOL..luckily we din went it..hahaa...then we went back to Rum and we saw Apple,Ying,YingHooi,Leng and many more..then we went in together..and have alots alots of FUN!..at first we are not HIGH yet..so we just sit back and enjoy the live band performance..then we went and find Apple and friends..so Apple give us a bottle of Carlsberg beer..and we drank it..then we get a little bit of high-ness already..LOL..Apple pulled me to the dance floor..and we dance like we never dance before!!!wheeee~~it was so fun..then we saw WaiSauChee and her gang there too..and they were actually dancing right infront of me..and i was lik..ouch~yer~yucks~!!!they were doing some excotic dancing like touching each others..yuckkkss~!!!then some of the friends taught they have those body shape like Beyonce...as they shake their asses and boobs...as if they were so HOT..ouchh~!...then JoeGer arrived and hang around with us too..as the time goes..many people were on the dance floor waiting for the time to strike at 12am..everyone having their fun..dancing,drinking and DRUNKING..LOL..the atmosphere is getting more and more high..then i saw ChanYong..asked her where's her sis..then he answered..she ironing clothes at home..LOL..then the time passed so quickly..as it left 60 seconds to go...we all counting the time together...every second pass makes everyone of us nervous for the time to come..as it slowly..5...4...3....2...1..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!everyone shouted with joy~everyone jumping..everyone hugging each other..wheeee~is the 2008 year!!!2008 has arrived!!!wheeee~!!!i quickly went in the toilet to called Wenyi..as this is the day..our half-year annivesary..wheeee~!!!i called her and i wish her..hees^^..then i gotta end up the call..cause gotta accompany my friends for dancing..after that we went to the Restoran Sri Tambun next to Rum to have some cool drinks..we ordered 2 ice-lemon tea,1 cincau since Joeger say cincai laaa..hhaaa..and 1 plate of French Fries..hees^^..after eating and drinking..we went back to Rum and continue our dance..but too bad Apple and them went home already..sobbx..so we went and find Minz..and he gave us few bottles of beer which people had already drank before..but we don't even care cause we were like so desparate for beer..LOL..espiecally Chris and Chiax..haha...after drinking the few bottles..Minz asked us whether we wanna go home already anot?then we were like wanna drink some more..so he went and ordered beers for us..and it was FOC since he is the one who belanja us.hees^^...then at last we went home..we were stuck in the traffic in the carpark for almost 1hour..then we went home..he and his friend send us home..and Chris drop the coke on his friends car..LOL..then we reached Chiax house..then we went in with Joeger..he staying with us also..and surprising Chiax's dad never ask bout Joeger..wow..what a good dad..if my dad..sure ask questions already..LOL..so we went and sleep..but we din sleep at all..we were chatting the whole night..while Joeger fall asleep so fast..LOL..we went out to the living room to chat..then suddenly the kitchen light off and we were like..stunned..then it on back..and Chiax say it's always like that..but i think we better go back room..we run back to the room...LOL...then we chat till 5 something and i misscall Wenyi..i purposely wanna wake her up..LOL..suddenly she called back...and we chat for so long with Chiax and Chris..LOL..then she wanted to sleep so we ended up the call..then Chris went and cook breakfast for us..eggs are what we eat for breakfast with tomato sauce and chilli sauce..LOL..then i went in and sleep soundly..later on..they came in and sleep soundly too...zZzZZzz..[HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE~!!!SORRY TO MINZ AND HIS FRIENDS FOR DISTURBING THEM..AND THANKS MINZ FOR THOSE BEER~!!!!WHEEEE~!!!]...HAPPY HALF-YEAR ANNIVESARY DEAR~!!!LOVEEE YOU FOREVER~!!!MWAHHHH!!!

Cheers!!in Rum.

Wheee~Friends For Eternity~!=]

Cheers!!in Rum.
Wheee~Friends For Eternity~!=]
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
KL Trip~28th-31st December 2007~
well..it's been so long i never update my blog yet.well..gonna update it now..i'm gonna start from 28th December 2007..LOL..wake up about 10 something in the morning..getting ready for my trip to KL...wheeeee~~~get dressed up..simple dressing with simple accesories..hees^^...pack all my daily stuff in my backpack...the most important is my WAX,perfume,toothbrush,toothpaste,charger,sunglasses and lots more..LOL..we start our journey at 12 something..LOL...i slept the whole time because there's no one messaging me..Wenyi is still at Thailand..sobbx..when i woke up i had already reach KL..went to my second bro condo straight away!!!whooomp~!!!reached the condo which is located at Desa Petaling..behind Desa Waterpark..LOL..went in with our spared keys cause my 2nd bro was working at that time we arrived.. and we settled all our luggages and sat for awhile...while my mum is cleaning the living room..is was like so dusty..well...my bro is a little bit DIRTY...wakakaa...i went in to his room..and get some packets of Kit-Kat..LOL..then my eldest bro arrive..he came to bring us to the Pavillion..we went and meet my aunty and Aidan in Pavillion..and we shop together..my 3rd bro slogan were.."Shop Till We Drop"..and i was like.."swt you bro"..hahaaa..it was like every shop inside there were like all branded items..and we don't really dare to even step in..LOL..the price were like so..'WOW'...xD...and at last we went into a shop which got sales..LOL..i was intrested in this shirt..it was a short-sleeves with black and white stripes background..wheee~i loveee stripess..the sale was like..."Buy 1 For The Actual Price And The Second Piece For Only RM10"..it was like so reasonable..my bro choose a few clothes while i choose 1 to try on..LOL..i went in the fitting room and started to cam-whore again...LOL..i must be addicted to cam-whoring..LOL..at last we decided to buy only that shirt and a white pants for my bro..the actual price for my shirt was actually RM52..and i bought it for only RM10!!!my bro white pants were RM89..the name of the shop was "G&H"..all the clothes were nice and well fashionable for teens like me..hees^^..it won't be so high-class or low-class..is was just a simple dressing style..*thumbs up!*..after that we went to have our dinner at the Food Court..suddenly Wenyi message me!!yeahhhh~!!!she's backk...mwahhh..she was in Bukit Tambun that timee...=]...there were like so many different types of delicious food there~!!!i ate Hawaiian Pizza while others..i have no idea what they eat actually..wakakaa..phew~!i was like so damn full as i finished the whole pizza which i think have bout six slices or 8..well...i eat without counting it..LOL..my 2nd bro came and join us too after working..then have our walk and then we went back..me,my dad,my 3rd bro follow my 2nd bro car..my cousins went home in another car..while my mum follow my eldest bro to my aunty house to sleep-over for 1 night..LOL..we went back and took bath..i can't resist the COLDNESS of the water~my bro were too lazy to attached a heater for the shower..and everytime we came we had to bath cold freezing water..argh~after that went online for awhile using my bro's laptop..then we went to sleep..zZzzZZ~till the next day..get ready and prepared to go shopping again!!!wheee~actually i planned to go Sungai Wang today to meet up with Miss Dum Dum..it's been so long i never see her..=[...but i can't make it..my dad wanted to go The Curve..haihhh..i never get to meet her for the whole KL trip..sobbx..and then surprising Choko was in KL too..but she went to KLCC..can't meet again..bad luck..xD..then i went to Cineleisure with my dad,my bros and my aunty and Aidan..we walked and walked and we ended up in the Teppanyaki shop for our lunch..i ate a Chicken Teppanyaki Set and Blue Ocean Bubble Tea..yummyy~~tasty~~~then we saw a poster which was about a Haunted Tunnel on the upper floor..the only way to get the ticket is we need to spend more than RM50 in those shops and we can get 2 ticket..so my 2nd bro and 3rd bro went in..while we were waiting for them..i have my hair cut..SOBB!!!!=[..i am damn upset..i miss my long fringe..i miss my old hairr!!!...my dad forced me to cut cause school is reopening and he doesn't want the disicpline teacher to call him..i was like..my hair got colour also..yorr...then have my hair cut till short short..=[.then we walked to the Curve from Cineleisure..my dad and bros were like spending 1 hour in the G2000 Men shop..too bad i am not allowed to buy clothes from there..LOL..then me and my aunty and Aidan went to walked..then we settled down while there was a girl..i think bout my age were playing piano in front of everyone..her skills were like so..woww..she played many types of song..including songs from Secret..finally they came out from the shop..they just bought 1 shirt from there for 1 hours..=.=|||..then we went walk and walk..i went to Tropicana Life..but those shirt doesn't suit me as it was so packed with those wordings..and i don't really like those kind of clothes anymore...hees^^..then we went to F.O.S[Factory Outlet Store]..my bro bought me a long-sleeves shirt..hees^^thankewww...=]..and i saw a shirt with wordings.."VOTE FOR THE DANCE PARTY"..i wanted to buy it..bt too bad my bro say only 1 piece..so i bought the long-sleeves wan..hees^^..then we have our ice-cream..my aunty bought us ice-cream..while i shared with my bro..ahaa...it was the New Zealand Ice-Cream..all were Sherbet Ice-Cream..yummy~~then we went to Cheras to join my mum side family for dinner..it was like so far..and that time my mood started to be damn moody..it is all because of my mum..she scolded me for nothing because of my hair..she is the one who called me to cut.and now scold me like hell..ishh..i finish my rice and i called Wenyi..then we talk and talk and at last we hang up..hees^^..then we went bk and online again..LOL..then i sleep early that day cause i started to not feeling well as my ulcer on my lips getting worst..and i'm having terrible cough and flu..zZzzZZZzz~~till the next day..we went to my uncle house which is located at Ampang..we went down to their basement and played Nitendo Wii..it was like so wow..nice technology game..it uses sensor to play..i sit one side to look how my bros played tennis using Wii...LOL..i get no chance to touch that controller..LOL..after that we went to Ampang Point for our lunch..we ate Korean and Taiwan food for our lunch..i ate Korean food and too abd it was spicy..sobx...gotta eat it no matter what..if not gonna let my relatives say that i waste food..LOL..then we went to one shop..something lik F.O.S but its kinda big...we went and try clothes again..and i'm so so so intrested in that long sleeves with stiripes shirt..i wanna buy it!!!!i went and try and cam-whore on the same time..too bad my dad doesn't allowed me to buy long-sleeves again..i was like so sad..haihhh...i wan that shirt!!!!sobbx..at last we went back my cousin house..then they continure their Wii while i went up and online...i called Wenyi through MSN..and we chat while my cousin were like disturbing..and at last i off9 cause my little cousing bro complaining that his computer monitor were like so hot..i was like..this u called HOT?!..LOL..so we went down for dinner cooked by my aunty..Spagetthi..yummy~after finishing our dinner..i went and play Gameboy.i played a game called Dogs..it was like a pet game...so childish right?hahaa..at last we went home..say byebye laaa...xD...and we took our bath and bout 11 something..my bros took me to the cyber cafe near the condo..wheee~gotta online..hees^^but wenyi can't online..so i decided to play online games..i played the Highstreet5 game..it was actually a dancing game like Audition..so i tried it..and it was like..woww...it's so cool!!!i played that game for 2 hours while my bros were playing Dota and Battlefield..and then we went and meet up my parents in the mamak..then we have our supper there...later on..we went back and sleepp...the next day we are going back..sobxx..~i din get a chance to visit and shop in Sg.Wang and Petaling Street..sobbx..zZzZzzZ~well...it's time to wake up and get packed...get packed and get ready to go back Ipoh..sobbx..say byebye laa to my bros..hahaa..then while going back..my bro cam-whore using my phone..swt him!..waste my batt..and make me gotta remove all Wenyi message..LOL..so i shall continue my sleep.ZzZzZzz...

This Is The Shirt I Bought From G&H.

My New Hairstyle And The Shirt I Bought From FOS.

I Love This Shirt.=[

My Bro's Alien.
This Is The Shirt I Bought From G&H.
My New Hairstyle And The Shirt I Bought From FOS.
I Love This Shirt.=[
My Bro's Alien.
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