Dear..this post is specially written for you..i wrote this cause i can't figure out any way to express my feelings for this six months..i hope that you gonna like this's been six months we been together..and it is a big day our half-year..i can't believe that we can sustain this relationship for half year dear..because i keep thinking i'm not the right person you want or the right person which suit you..everytime the time pass..i will be thinking."Will you gonna leave me??"..whenever this question appear in my mind..i started to get moody and sad and most of i keep myself steady and calm by saying.."As long i love you,is enough..If you gonna be happy by leaving me..i will let you happy i'm happy..i don't want to see you sad being with me..i am hurt seeing you i willing to let you go.."this words will gonna appear in my mind when i'm thinking negative should know what is negative stuff means ryte?...I know that this six months..i been making you cry,sad and moody..i don't mean to's my attitude..i admit i have some serious attitude problem such as sensitive..I'm really a sensitive person..whenever it cames to you and your ex i surely gonna be moody and i'm gonna treat you real moody type..and i know you dislike it and hate it and you gonna be sad..i really don't want to make you like that is all because i really scared to lose you..maybe i'm being over-protective because i cared for you dear..i hope you really understand what i'm doing ler dear..i just wanna say i'm really sorry dear..for being so sensitive and over-protective..i'm gonna change my attitude just for you..sometimes i do think that you don't love me anymore..and i'm sorry to think like that dear..i'm sorry for not trusting your love..but now i realise really loves me and i do really loves you too dear..i hope that you can forgive all my mistake that i've been done this six months dear..i hope nothing in the past can make our relationship end..whenever we have something that we don't really sastified it..we can discuss it kayy dear??i will tell you if i feel not sastified with anything dear..i hope you will do it also..this will help our relationship stays longer..well...i can't think of anything to write already..i can't be enough romantic or sweet for you cause i'm not those kind of person which can simply tell out any sweet words that can make you feel sweet..what i say is truely from the bottom of my heart dear..i never wish to have you forever as i know it is impossible for us..i just wish that our love can stays longer till it can't..and i swear that the only person i love is you dear..all i wanna say is..Bii~i really love you so much..i really can't lose you..i really can't take it if we break dear..for now and for future you are the only one gonna be in my heart dear..i love you dear...I LOVEE CHONG WEN YI~!!!!mwahhhhh...=]

I Miss Every Moment We Spend Together This Six Months With You Dear.=]

I Love You Dear!!!mwahhhh**

I Miss Every Moment We Spend Together This Six Months With You Dear.=]

I Love You Dear!!!mwahhhh**
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