Today is my big and happy day~!!!wheeee~!!Chiax woke me up at 12 something..and i was like..shyt!!i'm late..Wenyi misscall me a few times..OMG!!!i get ready quickly..and everyone get ready..then we are off to bout 1pm..hees^^...late already..went and find Wenyi while Joeger went and find his last we found them at the 2nd floor..Wenyi was wearing skirt with white tee..while Khong was wearing black stripes long sleeves and her hubby was wearing green stripes long sleeves too..everyone of us wore stripes shirt except that babi Wenyi..hees^^..then we went to food court to have our lunch..we ordered 2 claypot rice and 2 mango juice..yummy~!!!Kyan and Khong went dating and left me,Wenyi,Chiax and Chris in food court..LOL..after finish eating..we walked to Kopitiam toilet..and we saw that babi Ryan..He called me when i was in food court just now..he asked where am i..apalah..huiyor~then we walked together..and we stand in front of SushiKing,i think for almost half an hour..LOL..we chat there..talked bout hairstyles and many more..Kyan went back home first..cause gotta recieve her computer...then she will be back at 3 something she say...then we met Jiayin..then she followed us too..then we walked to Digi shop don't know for what..forgot dee..hehe^^..then we went Philip Sum there and we stand there i think for an hour..LOL..actually is me and Wenyi who went there first..then they came and find us..ka-ka-cau-cau laaa..huiyor~!xD..just joking..LOL..then we talked and talked waiting for Kyan to come..LOL..then Chris say she wanna go back already..and i was like..what??so fast??..cause she wanna sleep..actually mau online wan this fellaa...LOL..then they went back..then left me,Wenyi,Khong,Ryan,Jiayin and Kyan which arrived later...LOL..Ryan went back..then we walked to Parkson and take a walk..then we went into a fitting room which can't occupied 4 of us..LOL..we all are too FAT..xD...then we took some pictures..but what came out is every pictures damn i and Wenyi went in another fitting room and cam-whore while Kyan and Khong were in the other fitting room as well...we were at there till bout 5...LOL..then Wenyi and Khong gotta go back..since Khong's mum called..then we walked together to Starbucks and i gave Wenyi a goodbye kiss..LOL...i'm gonna miss her as hell as much as gonna reopens soon..and the chances of getting to see each other again gonna be 10% out of and Kyan saw them went inside the car..and we were like..SOBX...and Kyan chase the car..LOL..sot laa her..haha..then we took our cab and went back..i went back to Chiax house..and i realise nowadays teksi drivers starting to cheat younger passengers asif we have no brains..normally i sat back to Kampung Simee it cost me only bout RM5 and now..RM7 they charge me..wadddaa?!!!%#@*#!...whatever laaa..i will never sit outside teksi no more...gonna call a radio better..finally i reach Chiax house..and i went in..Chris bro came too...then my dad message me and asked where am i?is already 5pm..why aren't u coming back?are you lieing me again?notice the word.."LIEING"...this word is sensitive to me..i hate people who say i lie which i'm not lieing at all...i get moody and i told Chris and Chiax and i say i gotta walk back to my granny house now..then they accompany me to my granny house..we walked pass the basketball and it reminds much i miss's been so long i stop basketball..haihh...then we reached my granny house..and then my mum call them go in to have some look of blouses and skirts sell by my cousin sis..she openes a boutique in KL..and now she wanna end the buisness cause it's she bring back to clear the they have some look but they are not intrested my dad fetch them back to Chiax house..and in the started dad asking me bout the RumJungle..say this and that..i was like so moody and i just answer a few...i keep on saying..when i tell the truth u say i'm lieing...if i don't tell u i go to Rum then it means i i told u that i went to Rum..and now u say i'm last..they all were speechless as i never gonna open my mouth again..haihhh...we reached home..and i just went straight to my room..took a bath...get changed to house clothing...then online..then i started to upload pictures..update my blog..and chatting..yeahhh~!!!we finished our [AiR-B] remix!!!it's done by Kyan..wheeee~!!!now we have only 2 remix..but it's not really nice and it's not what we want..but we will still continue trying..thanks Kyan..hees^^..i'm gonna start remixing soon..after my computer has been gone to the workshop..LOL..having stupid problem...till now..i'm still writing blog..LOL..well...gotta sleep soonn...goodnyteeee~!!!loveee u dearr...half year~!!wheeee~!!=]

I Miss The Time We Spend Every Moment.=]
I Miss The Time We Spend Every Moment.=]
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