I think i gotta skip a few updates bout me.
Because i have no time to update at all about what happen and so on.
Since i can't online during weekdays.
Events ;
PuiMun's Birthday ;
About PuiMun's birthday, have a look at Chia's blog.
I'm lazy to update now. LOL.
Lompat tinggi Kelas 1 is on next Wednesday.
Wish me luck everyone.
SoongYi, Me and Lilee will be representing Rumah Merah.
And there's other stronger opponent from other houses.
Been practicing for days and I'm getting darker and darker.
Well, i wrote the wrong height for my high jump in my last post.
The last highest height i jumped is 10.6 actually.
And yesterday was my day that i can jump 1.10m !
Whooooooots ! ^^
My whole body aches.
My back got hit by the pole and it's like freaking pain now.
My elbow, my leg and so on.
But i still enjoy HighJump !That's my elbow. I know it looks awful. LOL.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Starting time:-0025.Name:-HsuFern ; Kenji
Brothers:- ThreeShoes size:-6 - 8
Where do you live:-Ipoh
Favourite drink:- Honey Lemon
Favourite breakfast:- Honey Star !
Been on a plane:- No. So saddening. LOL
Swam in the ocean:- Yeap.
Fallen asleep in school:- Duh!
Broken someone's heart:- I think so.
Fell of your chair:- Yeap.
Sat by all night waiting for someone to call:- Sometimes when i'm totally bored.
Saved e-mails:- Yes
What is your room like:- A teen's room
What's right beside you:- PhoneWhat's the last thing you ate:- Penang Fried Kuey Tiao.
Ever had chicken pox:- When I was borned. LOL.
Sore throat:- Yes
Stitches:- Yes.
Broken nose:- NO !
Do you believe love at first sight:- Yes.
Like picnics:- Quite. Romantic. LOL.
Who was the last person you danced with:- Alone. ahah.
Last made you smile:- YYY !You last yelled at:- Urm. i forgot.
Talk to someone you like:- NO ! NO ! ):
Kissed anyone:- No.
Get sick:- No.
Talked to an ex:- Yeap.
Miss someone:-Of course.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:- Nope.
What's under your bed:- Dust.
Who do you really hate:- Someone.
What time is it now:- 0030
Is there a person who is on your mind right now:- YES !
Do you have any siblings:- Yes.
Do you want children:- No.
Do you smile often:- Yea.
Do you like your handwriting:- Sometimes
Are your toenails painted:- No.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:- As long is a bed. HAHAHA.
What colour shirt are you wearing:- Black.What were you doing at 7pm yesterday:- Onlining.
I cant wait to:- see YYY !
When did you cry last:- Just a moment ago.
Are you a friendly person:- Yes
Do you have any pets:- Yes
Where is the person you have feelings for right now:- Her room ?
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you:- I haven't held anyone hands before these few weeks.
Do you sleep with the TV on:- No
What are you doing now:- Completing this tag
Can you handle truth:- Yes
Are you closer to mother or father:- Mum of course!
How many people can you say you"ve really loved:- A few.
Do you eat healthily:- sometimesHave you ever cried because something someone said to you:- Yes
How often do you go to church:- Never
If youre having a bad day,who are you most likely go to:- Someone.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time:- Loud and clear. haha.
Are you confident:- Not always
- sleep- eat-drink- cry
-go to the toilet
-start dreaming of her.
-start thinking of her.
- start imagining things with her that wont happen
-white choc
-potato chips.
-anything that can eat lar.5 THINGS I WOULD DO IF IM A BILLIONAIRE
-buy a mansion
-dance studio
- and so on lar.
Happy Birthday ChanPuiMun ! ♥

24thFebruary2009 ;
Awww. You're already seventeen now.
Can't wait to sit on your car and drive me out and got into anaccident.
I'm just joking. Obviously.
The size of your picture in this post can prove that how much energy i had pour just to wish you.
Last but not least, i love you sayangggggggggggg. ♥♥
Saturday, February 21, 2009
200th Post ; Random.
Woah. It's already my 200th post for now.
Every post is about craps, craps, craps and craps.
It's about random for this post.
Well, I'm the red house high-jumper for few years already.
This year is my last year and i miss it so much.
I've been practicing for weeks and yeah, i improve alot.
From the height 94cm, now i can jump at least 116cm but it's still a failure for me.
I'm becoming darker and darker day by day.
Under the sun for sports practice and softball practice.
Sports day is on 7th March, i think.
Heard from some people that the high-jump is on sports day itself, not during sukantara. ==
Imagine jumping to a height that you can't jump infront of 1000 or few thousands students in the stadium. ==
Well, i love high-jump, seriously and honestly.
Pickatures .Surat cinta ; love letter. XD
Look at my veins on my wrist after getting hit by the softball.
Before ;
After ;
Monday, February 16, 2009
Kah Yee's Party. @ 14th Feb
I drew this in school while having my science exam.
After school, went to Parade and bought a tee.
At night, went to KahYee's birthday party.
Lots to post here.
Reached her house and we went off to MyPoint at East.
Ryan gave Sim a surprise. Whoots.
What a sweet thing he does. (:
Have our dinner and chats.
After our dinner, we went off to Jusco, for awhile.
Saw JiunLi and Irene and JeeAn there.
After that, we bought 3 bottles of beers and walked back to her house.
And it's already almost 10 i think.
Went back and play whole night long.
Sim gave Ryan a valentine present which is a CD she makes.
We watched and Ryan cried.
Awww. It's so sweet.
And did something crazy and funny with something that is given to me.
After chats and everything, most of the peoples went back.
Left me,Chia,Miko,Sim and Ryan.
Around 1am, KahYee's brother fetch us to McD to buy our supper.
After our supper, we went on drinking and dancing.
We slept at 4something in the morning and wake up at 8something.
After getting ready, we went off to Parade and Chia went back because she have some sorts of projects to do.
We went to Kbox until 3 something.
Went back at 4 something.
And at night, I'm having several diarrhea and fever.
And i'm absent to school today.
Pictures ;

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Birthday TEH !
Thursday, February 12, 2009
100 Truths.
001. Real name → Amelia Lim .002. Nickname(s)→ Kenji, Hsufern, and i-don't-know.
004. Zodiac sign → Virgo .005. Male or female → Female .006. Elementary → Tiny Tots .007. Middle School → SK Convent .008. High School → SMK Convent .009. College School --> Haven't reach so far yet .010. Hair color → Real brownish for now .011. Long or short → Short .012. Loud or Quiet → LOUD .013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans .014. Phone or Camera → DSLR CAMERA .015. Health freak → Yes .016. Drink or Smoke? → Drink . (only certain times)017. Do you have a crush on someone? Maybe .018. Eat or Drink → Both.019. Piercings → Yes .020. Tattoos → Gonna get one soon .FIRSTS:023. First piercing → I forgotten .024. First best friend → Can't recall .025. First award → During kindergarden .026. First crush → LOL .027. First pet → Stupid fish .028. First big vacation → Thailand ?030. First big birthday → Never have one yet .CURRENTLY:049. Eating → Nothing .050. Drinking → Nothing .052. I'm about to → get scolded from my mum .053. Listening to → dogs barking .054. Plans for today → Jogging but i over-slept .055. Waiting for → my dream to come true .YOUR FUTURE:058. Want kids? → I love kids .059. Want to get married? → Should be a No .060. Careers in mind → Under design .WHICH IS BETTER IN THE BOY/GIRL YOU LIKE?068. Lips or eyes → Both .070. Shorter or taller? → Shorter, for me, of course .072. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic .073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both .074. Sensitive or loud→ Sensitive .075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship .076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither .HAVE YOU EVER:080. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope .
081. Ran away from home → Nope .082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → Try to, a penknife .083. Killed somebody → Nope .084. Broken someone's heart → Yes ?
085. Been arrested → Nope .087. Cried when someone died → Yes .DO YOU BELIEVE IN:089. Yourself → Yes .090. Miracles → Depends .091. Love at first sight → Yes .092. Heaven → Yes .093. Santa Claus → i HOPE he exist .094 Tooth Fairy--> No .095. Kiss on the first date -> No .ANSWER TRUTHFULLY:097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Yea .098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Happy enough .099. Do you believe in God → Yes .100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people →
Anyone who want to do this tag.
Lazy to tag around.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Moon. ==
My friend told me that tonight's moon on 10:49PM is the biggest and brightest moon in the last 52 years.
Went out from the house with my mum to enjoy our moon-watching.
My mum thought it was moon eclipse.
When the black clouds covering the moon, we called it 2nd eclipse.
It's a fun watching moon with my mum.
She jokes and craps alot. xD
We hugged and look at the moon together.
Aww. So romantic. Hahaha.
And my dad say we are insane. ==
He doesn't know whats romantic. LOL !
There's some pictures i took. LOL.looks like a christmas tree right ? lol.
black magic. scary.
i can touch the moon. lol!
a really bright moon.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Competition Voting. XD !
Vote vote vote !
There's this competition i join in friendster for fun since my friend ask me to.
Vote for me, Ding and Teh and so on if you wanted to.
All your supports will be appreciate.
Thanks for the loyal support !
Well, just vote me and my friends in this link.
T's Showdown
Candy Rain - 花吃了那女孩 (2008)

Producer ; Wei Ying-Chuan, Terrisa Chen
Writer ; Lin Yan-Ru, Chen Hung-I, A.D. Lin
Cast ; Grace Chen, Belle Hsin, Sandrine Pinna, Waa, Niki Wu, Kao I-Ling, Josephine Hsu, Lu Chia-Hsin, Karena Lam Ka-Yan, Cyndi Wang Hsin-Ling, Flora Sun, Mo Tzu-Yi, Cheer Chen (voice)Director Chen Hung-I's Candy Rain could be the most perfectly titled film ever. Like candy, the film is sweet and tasty in small doses. However, too much is probably bad for you, and prolonged exposure would definitely lead to cavities. Also, the film's obvious meaning falls unavoidably like rain, and even an umbrella won't fully protect you. The best thing: staying indoors and avoiding it entirely. And it's time to stop the cheesy metaphors because they're strained and more than a little annoying. Oddly, "strained and more than a little annoying" could apply to Candy Rain too. Funny how that works out.
An omnibus film about four lesbian relationships, Candy Rain leads off with a tale of two old friends (Grace Chen and Belle Hsin), who are tested by their burgeoning lesbian relationship. They sleep together and bask in each other's company, but minor differences get in the way of a smooth ride to happily ever after, leading to an inevitable break up and a possible make up. Story two centers on an OCD-suffering introvert (Sandrine Pinna) who works as a chef and meets possible partners online. Her new girl is a forward older woman (Waa, doing her best Bai Ling impression), and the two manage some semblance of relationship progression before clashing personalities - and one partner's irrational need for loneliness - gets in the way of extended bliss.
A longtime love is the focus of story three, where Summer (Kao I-Ling) and Spancer (Niki Wu) declare their undying love right before Summer is due to be married. And yet the two promise to reunite many years later. Spancer is left to face the years alone without her one and only, but as always, the best laid plans don't always work out, as Summer comes crawling back - perhaps with her new husband (Mo Tzu-Yi) in tow. Finally, story four is about a hyper emotional masochist (Karena Lam) whose new girlfriend (singer Cyndi Wang) abuses her in glorious comic fashion. Of course, the masochist will wake up, respect herself, and ditch her crappy relationships, right? Hmm, maybe not. Meanwhile, some delivery guy wanders all over Taipei trying to deliver a package to somebody named "Candy Rain." Will he find Candy Rain, and will it actually matter if he does or not?
Honestly, probably not. By the time story four rolls around, Candy Rain is so obvious in its intent and meaning that one may not care to parse every one of the film's details or metaphors. Chen Hung-I uses a multitude of styles and storytelling techniques, shifting between delicate sensitivity and brazen over-the-top comedy, but the bottom line of the film is always easy to discern because it's handed to the audience in an overt, obvious manner. Nothing truly revealing occurs in Candy Rain. The omnibus format dictates that these stories must be cursory, and since their meaning is handed out explicitly and directly, there's little left for the audience to ponder besides the hip art direction, cool MTV sensibilities, and faux Wong Kar-Wai effervescence. Candy Rain feels like art film-lite, and delivers familiar musings on love and life while not providing much surprise.
Worse, Candy Rain can become tiring, thanks in large part to the fourth story, which is edgy and over-the-top in an irritating manner. Karena Lam is not a very subtle comedienne, and is somewhat miscast in the film's final overdone segment. The rest of the actresses range from acceptable to engaging, with actress Sandrine Pinna making the largest impact thanks to her OCD-suffering character's quirkiness. There are some new and interesting faces among these actresses, and many will hopefully go on to more promising things. Candy Rain isn’t a bad start for any of them, and indeed is successful enough as a deliberate pop-art confection to find some success at college screenings or film fests. It's just not revealing or unique enough to register as truly special. (Kozo, Reviewed at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, 2008)
I watched this movie today.
I got it from my friend. She ask me to watch.
Well, it's not a porn-based movie, it's something meaningful to lesbian.
Watch it.
Gay pride !