Went to Amc's Canteen Day today.
Kyan came to my house in the morning and my dad fetch us to the mamak store opposite AMC.
We have our breakfast there and have some little conversation about someone.
Gah ! So freaking pissed seriously. Omg. I don't know why she will become like that.
Never think of that before.
Whatever lah.
Walked to AMC and meet up with Alice and Khong.
Khong helped me to find baby. Because i told baby i'm not going but eventually I'm there. :P
Baby having her duty in the hall so we went there and i hide behind Khong and Kyan.
Saw Ding in the bangsal, i think. LOL !
Went to the hall and i saw baby there selling bananas. My god. XD
I stand up and baby was like, "Eh why are you here ? I thought u're not coming. "
It's like, no suprise lor. She was like so fuhin. XD
Then the whole day, we walked and walked and walked.
Lol. Saw alot of people there.
I played a few games in few stalls only.
No time lah, busy dating ma. :P
Played at Choko's stall, the slide thingy and the ring throwing and the darts.
After that, we went to Baby's stall in the field. Water game.
We played nearly end of the day.
It's like everything is close except for that.
Baby keep on splashing me with water. Wth lor. Nevermind lah. :P
I waited baby to pack up everything until 5pm.
Whoa ! Then after she went back, I'm like alone in front of the school waiting for my parents for like half an hour ?
Have so much fun during canteen day.
&&&& i get to see baby too ! That's the most important thing. =D
That's the only pic i took that day. LOL.
After that, i went home and took my bath and get ready for Jess's party in East.
At first, they planned to go My Point and i went there but see see they changed the venue without telling me.
Nevermind, it's still near.
So it's Olivian.
Everyone ate, except for me.
I'm the last one and i ordered beef bolognaise.
Yummy ! =D
Happy Birthday ! =D
Outside Infi. XD
Don't shoot me. XD
SweeLi !
After that, we walked to Infi and i met up with baby.
She went to Jusco with her friends and walked to east with her friends.
Sat at the hawkers and chit chat with her group of friends.
Went for a walk with baby and we went nasmir.
Then we went back.
And blahs.
The end.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
AMC Canteen Day & Jess's Birthday Party.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Obviously this post is dedicated to her.
A special post for her. (:
Neways, i post this kinda late.
I'm sorry yea bestie. :P
Wanna know how i met her ? Hmm. I met her when i'm Form3.
I remember that she was in the same class with me, 3 Lily, of course.
We get to know each other because of the same interest that we have.
Singing. (:
We actually sit together in groups in the class and start our concerto.
We actually formed a band last time. Hahaha.
2inOne. I still remember the name. HAHAHA.
We started to be the duet in singing.
And time passes so quickly that we actually ended up being besties for 3 years now.
We ponteng together, have lunch together, hang out together, clubbing and lots more !
It's been 3 years being in the same class with this bitch. (:
Sat next to each other.
In class, almost everyday we fought.
For no good reason.
Bwahahha. :D
Everyone in the class will be like asking, " Huh ? Why do they fight ? I thought they were bestie ? "
Actually, yeah we are bestie. And no, we're not fighting. We were just playing.
We argued everytime, but at last we ended up laughing and playing again.
She's my freaking fucking good best super friend !
Every problems i have, the first person i will find is always her !
She's the one that i can really share my secrets with and lots more.
Seriously, i can't lose her as my friend.
She's the friend i trusted the most and i love her.
Christy babe, i love you !
P/S : Don't cry when u read this post. Bwahahaha. :P

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Chris's Birthday Party.
Celebrated Chris's birthday party today in Scotch.
Right after my performance, i went to a pet shop to look for Chris's present.
Wanna know what is that ?
It's a hamster !
She wanted a hamster so much so i decided to buy her a pair of couples.
The first shop i went, there's so little choice to make. All the hamster was like sold out.
And Chris doesn't want to have a Albino hamster, which means red-eyed hamster.
So i went back home and took my bath and got ready for her party.
Spending time in the room grooming my hair.
Ooohh sounds so doggish. Grooming = for dogs.
After that, we went out again and this to the branch of the first shop.
Woah those hamster was like so freaking cute !
I spend my time looking at hamster which have no Albino. .__________.
But then, i found one but too bad the poor cute little hamster injured its left eyes.
So i have to picked 2 Albino hamster for her, a male and a female.
I choose a brown as the male and a white as the female.
They were like so freaking cute. Awww.
Put them inside a cage and in a plastic bag.
Waited for Chris's outside Scotch in the car.I saw you ! XD
So so so freaking cute right ?!
After she came with Laikuan, i went down and we talked.
After a few minutes, Joey came and so do Mag and of course Mr.Ayam Betina (i wrote this because this is a nickname for him and it's a a secret. ssshh. )
I walked to somewhere to pick up baby.
And i got a bottle of own-made honey from baby !
Bee gets me honey ! ( :
After that had our tea time in Scotch.
Many people didn't attend her party last minute.
Sighs. Pity her.
Mag and Mr. Ayam Betina went off first.
Then we have our walk through the boutiques in South.
And baby almost killed the hamsters. XD
Baby bought me panadols because i'm having a terrible headache.
And and baby did some head massage for me.
Wheee !
After that, Chris, Laikuan and Joey went back at 7.
Baby and me took a cab to Jusco. =P
Baby did a lot of lame things in the cab. Lol.
We reached Jusco and of course we went dating.
Whooots ! =D
Walked around and omg so sweet.
Last part of the night was so so so sweet, for me. (:
And i was extremely shy that time because i said something. =P
Omg i miss baby so freaking much.
I dont feel like letting go baby's hand when it's time for me to go back.
Seriously, that time i feel like hugging baby so tight.
And i walked off by not looking back. =D
Speech Day Performance.
I have my second performance today. A solo performance.
Another tribute to MJ. Laugh out loud.
How i end up in this performance ?
Pn. Florina asked me to. (:
I'm dancing to the beat of Billie Jean played by the Tradimode girls.
They were so so cool in playing those musical instruments.
*thumbs up*
And actually, last night, i already make my decision not to perform today.
Because, i never get any confirmation from the teachers and my friends.
And it's SpeechDay, parents, datuks, datins and teachers gonna be there.
And it's like a formal function, my mum asked me not to perform as MJ because the dance is kinda obscene.
Teacher even told me not to, " HOLD MY CROTCH" since it's a formal function.
And i was like, "Huh ? I dont even have one and by not touching the crotch it is so not Michael Jackson's dance. =P "
So i slept quite late last night, and i think i fall sick. Because i got cold in the middle of the night.
But this morning, Sulyn called me. And i woke up. I sat on the bed and keep thinking whether should i go or should i not.
But at last, i went.
This time i think my dad supported me.
This morning, he volunteer himself to fetch me to school.
As in another days, he will never do that on a Saturday breezy morning. Gah.
I love you daddy ! =D
I reached school and lazing around waiting for the time to pass.
Around 10 something to 11, Tradimode started their performance.
I went to the backstage and get ready and that time my heart was like beating so freaking fast. That i could only hear my heartbeats.
When i heard the Billie Jean beat, i slowly put my hand out from the curtain.
And all i heard was, the cheers from the crowds. I really appreciate it. Thanks everyone ! =D
I was so freaking nervous and i never look at the crowd at all.
I used my hat to block my eyes and the whole dance, i heard cheers.
Of course, i'm happy but still i dont think my performance is good enough.
After the performance, everyone came to me and congrats me for doing such a great performance.
( :
Parents, teachers and PIBG members came up to me and talk to me.
I was like the celebrity of the day.
I was really happy with all the compliments from all the parents and teachers.
Last but not least, i wanna thanks Puan Florina and Mrs Lau for giving me this oppurtunity to dance and perform and even to express my life with dance. (:
A video gonna be uploaded as soon as i got that video from my friends or teachers.
-The end-
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Air-Breaker LIDRA Performance.
This is the video of Air-Breaker performing during LIDRA Talent Search on the 3rd of July.
Not really good, so don't expect a professional dance video. But neways, we really did try our best to perform.
Btw, you still can give comments in my Cbox or my youtube account. (:
So that we can improve our dancing skills. (:
Enjoy ! =D
Visit both of this link. (: Thanks.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It's already been a few days practicing with Jess and Venis for our performance.
We gonna be MICHAEL JACKSON ! What the fuck. Lol.
So we decided to use the song Beat it and PYT [ Pretty Young Thing] for our performance.
We were like squeezing our mind to think of steps. Argh. But still, we managed to think of some steps.
Well, today, Saturday, is our big day. The day of us becoming the late King Of Pop. Laugh out loud.
Got our costume ready and so on. Reached school around 7 in the morning.
And start practicing again. And we were like still thinking of steps. Lol.
At last, we decided that, i'm dancing solo for the song PYT.
We practice for hours and we missed the performance by our contestant.
There were a few school who join the talent thing, i think.
Or maybe just two ? AMC and MGS ?
When we were getting ready for our next full rehearsal, suddenly, we heard people calling our name.
We were like, huh ? what's wrong ?
And we were told that, upcoming performance is us. I was like what the fuck is going on.
I thought that, our performance should be starting around 11 something.
We went and change and went to the hall.
We were like so nervous. Especially me ! Phew !
I was like, what the fuck what the fuck.
And then they ask us to went up the stage.
We stand in the middle and the curtain was closed.
There were a mic infront of us as we are gonna sing Heal The World chorus.
After singing, they drawn the curtain off and we start our dancing.
I saw alot of people down there and for sure i freaked out.
After our performance, i was like so freaking suffocated because i wore a mask.
And i was like sweating like hell. Gah.
I was worried that, the dance sucks.
But anyways, if it's sucks, we still enjoy it. ( :
That's what we call, passion of dancing. =D
Michelle won the first prize, as she dance to the song, 'Nobody' by Wonder Girls.
Phewww ! She really dance so well.
As everyone was asking for an encore.
She dance again.
And i'm like her backup dancer on the ground floor as she was up the stage.
I love it. =D
After that, we have some kind of dance floor open to everyone.
But it was like so lifeless as no one dances except the few of us.
After that, we head on to Parade for our lunch.
We recorded some videos of Namalahihi.
And now, we have a few of this video that i haven't upload in Youtube and in my blog.
Be patient. Lmao ! XD
And that's it.
I'm gonna upload the dance video and pictures after i get those from my friend.
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