Obviously this post is dedicated to her.
A special post for her. (:
Neways, i post this kinda late.
I'm sorry yea bestie. :P
Wanna know how i met her ? Hmm. I met her when i'm Form3.
I remember that she was in the same class with me, 3 Lily, of course.
We get to know each other because of the same interest that we have.
Singing. (:
We actually sit together in groups in the class and start our concerto.
We actually formed a band last time. Hahaha.
2inOne. I still remember the name. HAHAHA.
We started to be the duet in singing.
And time passes so quickly that we actually ended up being besties for 3 years now.
We ponteng together, have lunch together, hang out together, clubbing and lots more !
It's been 3 years being in the same class with this bitch. (:
Sat next to each other.
In class, almost everyday we fought.
For no good reason.
Bwahahha. :D
Everyone in the class will be like asking, " Huh ? Why do they fight ? I thought they were bestie ? "
Actually, yeah we are bestie. And no, we're not fighting. We were just playing.
We argued everytime, but at last we ended up laughing and playing again.
She's my freaking fucking good best super friend !
Every problems i have, the first person i will find is always her !
She's the one that i can really share my secrets with and lots more.
Seriously, i can't lose her as my friend.
She's the friend i trusted the most and i love her.
Christy babe, i love you !
P/S : Don't cry when u read this post. Bwahahaha. :P

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