I have my hair cut today. Is extremely short and ugly. Honestly,I hate it. But some people say it was nice and some say it was ugly. Some prefer my last hairstyle more than this. I'm so FCUKING sad for real. My beloved say it was nice. But I don't think so.Maybe I'm not used to it yet.
I missed my old hair.
I still trust my beloved words.
:DI'm just faking a smile for the sake of the picture.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Cutting Hair Day~ =X
Celebrated Jojo's birthday today on the 28th. :D
In Breeze Cafe near MGS.Birthday Girl&Me! :D
There's something I'm unhappy with.
My beloved doesn't make it to the party.
Parents don't allow giving nonsense reasons.
I'm so pissed off!
I reached there at 7.30pm and was waiting for Jojo's arrival.LOL.
She arrived and we went in the VIP room.Whoa~!
We sang some songs while waiting for Kahyee,Chris and Ashlee.
Later,the arrival of Chris and Ashlee and lastly,Kahyee.
We ordered some foods and drinks.Jojo ordered a KAMPAI,Chris ordered a VODKA and I ordered an Ice Honey Lemon while the other two.*i don't really know*.
They ordered a Cheese Baked Oyster.
Kahyee asked me to try it.Well,I'm so stupid that i go eat it.
I regretted after eating it.
The cheese was nice but....the oyster was DAMN F**KING SMELLY!!!!
We sang till the person who booked the VIP room came.We went out and ahve a seat out there.And we play some games such as UNO and STACKO.We played UNO for awhile and continued with STACKO.People who make the blocks fall it means lost.And people gonna dare the person to do something.And I'm the first one.==
They dare me to go out to the cashier there and put my hands on the bar look at the waitress for a few second.And i made it!Whee.
The next was Jojo.She was dared to shout there by saying,"Today is my BIRTHDAY!!!".There was a few family looking at us and laughing for our stupid-ness.LOL.She shouted!Whoa~Our dinner was presented.Birthday Girl ate Chicken Chop,Chris ate Fish&Chips,Ashlee and me shared a Cheese Baked Rice and Kahyee ate some Japanese Chicken Rice i think.LOL.
After our dinner,we went out for clubbing.Zhengyu fetched us to Shanghai Bay at first.But we noticed it was packed with uncles&aunties.==.So we went to TZ2 at East.
We went in and ordered a bucket of beer.Dancing through the night.*Saturday Night Fever*
Zhengyu fetched me and Jojo home.While Kahyee went back herself and Chris followed Ashlee car.When I reached home,I was exhausted.LOL.I went straight to bed and sleep.ZzZzZz~
P/S:Jojo's birthday falls on 1st July.Wish her. :D
*signing out*Modeling after dancing. :D
Modeling in Breeze toilet. :P
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My life is just so boring&empty.
Without HER.
This few days I've been sleeping in the class.
Especially Science period.
And you-know-what-will-happen.
PUAN NG PEK KUAN wake me up for god sake!
I was dreaming kayy?RESPECT DUDE!*sweet dreams*
Well,is still the same.No changes.LOL.
Urmm,currently interested in Shayne Ward's songs.
Nope.I wanna get back to my bed and sleep.
One more thing,I'm into this online dancing game right now.
Now,get lost bloggie.Is time for me to hug my baobei bolster.Hee.
Without HER.
This few days I've been sleeping in the class.
Especially Science period.
And you-know-what-will-happen.
PUAN NG PEK KUAN wake me up for god sake!
I was dreaming kayy?RESPECT DUDE!*sweet dreams*
Well,is still the same.No changes.LOL.
Urmm,currently interested in Shayne Ward's songs.
Nope.I wanna get back to my bed and sleep.
One more thing,I'm into this online dancing game right now.
Now,get lost bloggie.Is time for me to hug my baobei bolster.Hee.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Went to Liyuan's house for some sort of party.LOL.We were discussing about our plans.Either going E-Box or Rums.Actually,we planned to go Rums but something did happen on that day.So we ended up in E-Box the whole night.LOL.
We went to E-Box at 9.45pm.And we passed by Andajaya.And and and...I....REMEMBER...SHE....WAS....HAVING....TUITION....NOW!!!!so i planned to give HER a surprise.I walked up to Andajaya,waiting for her to come out.While waiting for her,I talked to the aunty.And to my surprise,everyone went back but i didn't even saw her.And her friend say,"she not went down jor meh?"..i quickly ran down and tried to catch her up but i failed.
So i went back to E-Box and joined them.The whole night was just a CRAZY FEVER NIGHT for us.We sing,SHOUT and DANCE!PeiYee,Liyuan,Amelia,WeiWei,Liyuan's Tutor and Me attended E-Box.Apple was in Rums.PeiYee went off to join Apple.We spend our whole night in E-Box till 2am.Liyuan's Mum was so SO SO HOTTTT!She dance with us,partyy with us!And her uncle,Marco[i think],was a mixed if i'm not mistaken joined us too after their ELDERS OUTING in SHANGHAiBAY.UNCLEMARCO.LOL.
We went home and have our supper,instant noodle.Only the three of us.While Amelia was sleeping soundly.LOL.Liyuan telling all her life in Singapore to us.After that we went to sleep.ZzZzZz
Early in the morning,i heard knocking sounds.The sound keep on continue.I don't want to bothered at all.So i just act that i didn't hear anything at all.But i supposed it was TingYuan[Liyuan's Sis].
When i woke up,Liyuen had gone to her facial,while WeiWei&Amelia is still sleeping.I brushed my teeth,changed my clothes and get ready to start my journey to YikFoong.Actually,i gotta wake up at 8 for my society meeting in school,but i over-slept till 11.LOL.
My voice was like a beat-box broken into half.LOL.I went YikFoong hoping to see YokeMei cause i need to patrol today.People should be asking."patrol?what's that?you police ar?see got thief anot ar?"==.It's for FlagDay i supposed.
But i didn't see any Youth1 members down at Yikfoong&SuperKinta.So i went to find Miko&Rachel who was in the cyber cafe next to YikFoong.We went to YikFoong for the search of mask for our performance and clothes.We tried out many types of hats&caps. :D
We take a bus back to parade.*F.Y.I..it's my first time taking a bus.PROUD.LOL*Parade is pack of people.And i saw YokeMei in parade.==.While waiting for Rachel to take her specs in SKONG.Yvonne called me.She say that she saw me.==LOL
I went home at 1.30pm eventually.Then head off to my granny house.I take a nap and head off to Tesco in search of a reasonable&good radio.It's for our crew.And i bought a Phillips radio worth rm100.LOL.cheap ryte?
I bought myself the FrankzPotatoes!*yummy*
Went home.Have my nap.Wake up have my dinner.LOL.sambil watched ForensicHeroes2.LOL.Until now.ONLINE! :D
-signout- :P
Friday, June 20, 2008
Happy! =]
Well,I'm happy because the fight i have with my bestie had already been settled today.WHEEE!
Tonight,gonna be in Liyuan's house.
~sign-out~ :D
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sick. 17June2008.
I feel so sickly when i woke up this morning.Having flu.And and and..These days punya weather makes me feel so SICK! ARGHHH! Stupid HOT weather.Because of this,I didn't even went to school.*sleeping soundly in my room*
I MISSED MY ADDMATHS&MODMATHS CLASSS!!!!!!!how am i gonna catch up?!?!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
All i wanna say here is.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Woke up at 6am today for the STARWALK thingy.Don't really feel like going actually.BECAUSE i'm really really REALLY sleepy~LOL.*this year starwalk shirt not that nice actually.LOL.*
Reached Stadium at 6.15am.The first person i met was TeenWei and KarPor.She walked me to the registration counter to get my stupid YELLOW RUBBERBAND for godsake.And i met with Miko and gang.LOL.I was actually waiting for HER arrival.hee.
Finally,SHE reached.*yeahhh*Unfortunately,there were so many people until i can't find where she was.At last i met HER.hee.Jess,Joey[if im not wrong],JiaXin,HER and Me walked together.And F.Y.I we are the LAST GROUP behind! LOL.
We reached the finishing line about[i don't know what time].LOL.SHE followed me back to take a bath and head up to Jusco.=].My dad fetched us to Jusco and i hugged him! *shy* LOL.It's FATHER'S DAY for godsake. LOL.
He gave me RM20 only!rm20!Nevermind.We went to Capcom and met up with Jiaxin,Jess and so on.Our show will be starting in 15 minutes time.We watched The Incredible Hulk.Well,so far so good.The show was nice.*i almost fall asleep during the show.LOL.*
After the show SHE wanna buy something for her dad.So i followed her.*lalala*.When we are on our way to McD,we saw Kahyann and Kityi in MnG.So we stopped by and chat.And I'm like so tersesat there.They were talking bout the clothes and i was like *i don't even understand what they were talking cause i'm not interested.LOL*.So i walked out from that shop and posing outside the shop.
We met with this clown and he was actually making a trick out of HER!He asked her."Do you want a balloon with LOVE and blahblah?" the he asked her to hold a few balloons on her hand and Annie&Me stole the clown's BIG SPECS and took a few picture with it.LOL.
After that,we went McD for our lunch.After our lunch,is my time to buy something for my dad.At first i planned to buy him some sushi since he love japanese food so much.But at last i end up in S&J and bought him a Lighter.A lighter-beercan-lookalike.LOL.
I went back at 5 and we went to Shatin FoodCourt for our dinner.After our dinner,we went home and i straight away lie on my bed and ZzzZZz till 9.30pm.I woke up and finish my AddMaths&ModMaths homework and continue with my online-ing stuff.HEE.
Tomorrow is MONDAY again.==.SCHOOL again.==.LOVEDitbutHATEit.==.
1. HER! :D
2. Dance! :D
3. Food! :D
2. Dance! :D
3. Food! :D
4. Sports.Maybe.Who knows?
5. Money! :D
6. Clothes&Pants! :D
7. Accessories! :D
8.GTA:SanAndreas Game.
1. LOL
2. Asif
5. Yeahh.
6. Apalah
7. Urmm
8. Okok
1. AddMaths Textbook
2. ModMaths Textbook
3.HER&ME Diary. :D
4. TESTPAPER.does this count?
5. Novel
6. Magazines
7. Dik Cerdas
8. AstroView
1.AiR-B Remix! :D
2. Wei Ni Xie Shi-KENJi
3. Yang Zhong-Yang Zhong Wei
4. Bounce-Timbaland
5. Step Up 2 Soundtracks
6. Purple Line-DBSK
7. Rising Sun-DBSK
8. Chromeo-Fancy Footworks&Women Friend
1. She's my life.
3. Never give up
3. Don't ever lose hope
4. Never trust those who betrayed you.
5. Everyone makes mistakes.
6. Last minute study work for me! :P
7. Be confident!
8. Have fun when you still can and appreciate every moment while you're still alive.
long time no see BLOGGIE. :P
Urmm.woke up at 8.30am today for dance practice.meeting up with Miko and Rachel.Too bad Jess can't and join us.*sad*[preparing for performance which we don't even know when.LOL.]Reached school at 9 sharp.It's so happen that Form Four's student is having their 'SIVIK' project.gotong-royong.LOL.Actually,i suppose to go for the project today.but I DON'T GIVE A DAMN. :P
I walked to AMC to find Keiyan and hand her some stuff.But at last i handed the stuff to Jiaxin to pass it to her since she's inside the school.And i met up with HER.hee.We sat at the roadside outside AMC for awhile,wondering what to do next.hmm??And i received something SPECIAL from HER.wheee! :D
Finally,we decided to take a walk to the mamak stall just to have my breakfast.LOL.Pamela promised me that she will treat me because i helped her with some stuff that day.But she never do what she promised me.ISHHH.At last I'm the one who treat Jiaxin.LOL.We have 2 teh-o-ais-limao and roti planta and roti canai.LOL.Miko and Rachel came to the mamak.
I walked them back to AMC and Miko,Rachel and me took a cab.We reached OUR STUDIO[kononnya] and we were so happy that at last we can dance to our REMIX!LOL.But technical problem occur and we were like awww~*sad* but at last BOOM!it WORKS!We spent our time dancing,playing,drinking and CAM-WHORING. :D
We went to Parade for our lunch.At first we decided to have our lunch in foodcourt but suddenly that MIKO asked for Cafe De' Coral.So we went there.We talk and talk and talk.Spent most of time chatting and cam-whoring until my dad reached.My dad fetched them back to MotionMaster.That's the end of our day! :D
After that,we went to Royal Ipoh Club to have our lunch AGAIN.But i didn't take any food nor desert there.I started to cam-whore and gossip with my mum and aunty.LOL.And we actually discussing bout LOVE.LOL.My dad was having his meeting in the club so i wasted my time on cam-whoring.LOL.At last,we ordered a pot of tea.*favourite* :D..We went home after my dad's meeting.
I straight away jump into my bed and ZzZZzZZz.*tired wey* LOL. Woke up at about 8 and received a message from HER!heee.Have my Mi-Sedap dinner.And went online-ing.Until now.And I'm having computer-call with CUTEPANDA a.k.a SAW CHUI ANN[kononnya].
Well,that's all for today.
long time no see BLOGGIE. :P
Urmm.woke up at 8.30am today for dance practice.meeting up with Miko and Rachel.Too bad Jess can't and join us.*sad*[preparing for performance which we don't even know when.LOL.]Reached school at 9 sharp.It's so happen that Form Four's student is having their 'SIVIK' project.gotong-royong.LOL.Actually,i suppose to go for the project today.but I DON'T GIVE A DAMN. :P
I walked to AMC to find Keiyan and hand her some stuff.But at last i handed the stuff to Jiaxin to pass it to her since she's inside the school.And i met up with HER.hee.We sat at the roadside outside AMC for awhile,wondering what to do next.hmm??And i received something SPECIAL from HER.wheee! :D
Finally,we decided to take a walk to the mamak stall just to have my breakfast.LOL.Pamela promised me that she will treat me because i helped her with some stuff that day.But she never do what she promised me.ISHHH.At last I'm the one who treat Jiaxin.LOL.We have 2 teh-o-ais-limao and roti planta and roti canai.LOL.Miko and Rachel came to the mamak.
I walked them back to AMC and Miko,Rachel and me took a cab.We reached OUR STUDIO[kononnya] and we were so happy that at last we can dance to our REMIX!LOL.But technical problem occur and we were like awww~*sad* but at last BOOM!it WORKS!We spent our time dancing,playing,drinking and CAM-WHORING. :D
We went to Parade for our lunch.At first we decided to have our lunch in foodcourt but suddenly that MIKO asked for Cafe De' Coral.So we went there.We talk and talk and talk.Spent most of time chatting and cam-whoring until my dad reached.My dad fetched them back to MotionMaster.That's the end of our day! :D
After that,we went to Royal Ipoh Club to have our lunch AGAIN.But i didn't take any food nor desert there.I started to cam-whore and gossip with my mum and aunty.LOL.And we actually discussing bout LOVE.LOL.My dad was having his meeting in the club so i wasted my time on cam-whoring.LOL.At last,we ordered a pot of tea.*favourite* :D..We went home after my dad's meeting.
I straight away jump into my bed and ZzZZzZZz.*tired wey* LOL. Woke up at about 8 and received a message from HER!heee.Have my Mi-Sedap dinner.And went online-ing.Until now.And I'm having computer-call with CUTEPANDA a.k.a SAW CHUI ANN[kononnya].
Well,that's all for today.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Youth One Annual Camp.
Just came back from camp.It's for 4days3nights.The camp started on 3rd June.Finally,I don't have to stay at home and feel bored.LOL.
What do we have for the first day?
Urmm.it's time for campers to register.LOL.We have 4 groups,El Doardo,IJJ,Fish&Chips and Guns&Roses.They performed their groups dance steps,yell and song and their flags too.Later on,FLAG DAY for a few hours.At night,we have cooking competition among the groups.We have our cooking competition at night among the groups.Unfrotunately,the electricity went off like BOOM.The whole school was dark in a sudden.Only certain places have electricity.After the cooking competition we have our photo session and grabbing game.At last,we[F4] ate our dinner.MACARONI..*yummy*.I ate almost half the bowl.LOL.We don't really have time to sleep actually.LOL.and we have morning call around 3-4am.LOL.* i still remember the time when Regine and I went up the F5 block at 3am and i was shaking like hell.it's scary.*
What do we have for the second day?
Urmm.ShanYuen,Regine and me woke up at 5am to have our bath in the dungeon.Kinda scary actually.LOL.And we prepared breakfast for the members.LOL.the milo-maker=REGINE..LOL..and there again.FLAG DAY.LOL.and i went patrolling with TzeLing around the town.It was so tiring and sunny.And we were actually walking from school to The Store and The Store to Yik Foong and back again for a few times.LOL.And in a sudden my tummy ache and I'm looking for toilet.LOL.At night,we have steamboat for dinner.LOL.we enjoyed it very much.LOL.Well,in the middle of the night.we and the f5's went and prepared for the nightwalk stuff..We tied strings.And we have to station at a place.YenHan,Thaca,TzeLing and me stationed at f5 blocks.And to my surprise.I wasn't afraid at all.Maybe because too many people around.LOL.When the group walk pass our station we make noises to scared them.This nightwalk ended almost 5am.
What do we have on our third day?
Urmmm.Nasi lemak for our breakfast.FLAG DAY.then i went back home.LOL.Because i'm not feeling very well.LOL.and i sleep soundly till 6.And i went back to school.We have catering for our dinner.After dinner,we have our talent nights.Pheww~Every group's performance was like WOW..After the talent night.We have some drinks.LOL.Wine baby~~LOL.
What do we have on our last day?
Urmm..breakfast by us again.LOL.and today the milo-maker=ME.HAHAHA.Unfortunately,the condensed milk supply is not enough.So we have to control the limit.LOL.Then,is water games time~!!!wheee~We were pouring water over the members while they were in-squad.LOL.And TzeLing and Me can' really play.[you know i know] LOL.And suddenly a water splashed on me and my phone get wet.And my keypad wasn't actually working.And to people surprise.I cried.LOL.After drying my phone.My phones life came back.LOL.After that was FLAG DAY.And after that was our prize giving and the end of the camp.Phew~Tired but FUN!
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