Let the pictures do the talking for this. Because i have nothing to talk about.Warning to all readers !
This post gonna be a very very long post.Be prepared !xD
During the Raya holidays, I went to KL for my brother, Alan wedding dinner.
Urm. I shall let the pictures do the talking.
Tropical Garden & Golf Resort. [Something like that] - 30th September 2008.
We have dinner like normal. LOL.
A few courses.
Took a few pictures only.Cake-cutting ceremony, Alan & Audrey.
Wooo. Let's cut the big cake !
Champagne ! Actually adalah sparkling wine. -.-
After a few course, the MC, a real funny want. Really.
He's damn funny, that can make the audience laugh out loud.
He called a few names up to take angpau from my brother.
My third brother & cousin sister name were called. LOL
BUT ...........................
They need to do something in order to get the angpau from my brother.
They need to DANCE !
The MC ask them to choose a dance from malay,chinese,indian,thailand && english.My cousin sis choose malay dance. && the MC quickly took some costumes out.
&& he dance to give some example && ask them to follow. LOL
It was real funny. xD
The next was my brother's friends. && it was my third brother turn.
He choose Chinese dance. && the MC ask him to wear like this.
LOL.The MC show the dance. && it was DAMN FUNNY !
It's like so gayish && everyone in our family says that my brother sure can make it.
Because he like to act like a gay. -.-
There's a video && i'm lazy to upload here. Sorry. xD
The most funniest part was when the MC talk in Thai language.
Everyone loves that part.
Pictures time ! ;My uncles & aunt with my cousins & bro.
My mummy and me. I forced her to take this picture with me. =P
Lengzai & Lenglui of the night ! HAHAHA. Suyi && Me.
This is how i wear to the dinner. && they say i look like waiter. -.-
With one of my cousin bro too.
:)Nah ! Look like waiter ar ? XD
Btw, someone ask him where's the toilet. HAHAHHA.
Church Wedding - 2nd October 2008

Alvin, Alex, Andrew, Dusit && Adrian.
After the church ceremony, we went straight back to Ipoh.
For the tea ceremony.
During the journey, i cam-whore. HAHHA.
Tea ceremony at granny house.
Later at night, we have an eve party to celebrate my brother wedding.
We went to cyber cafe after we felt damn bored. LOL
Cousins ! LOL.
Dota !
Syuen Hotel Wedding Night - 3rd October 2008.
Woah ! This is grand. I love this wedding hall. LOL.
Is huge ! HAHHAA.
Family went there early to help out.
We ushers the quest to the wedding hall.
Before that, we have some cocktail outside the hall.
Everyone look smart with their tux && their gowns. LOL.
Less pictures too. No time to take at all. LOL
Lets the pictures do some talking. LOL

The MC, the same old MC asked the couple to come up the stage && play a trick on them
He ask them to FRENCH KISS in front of 400++ guests until he stop saying the 'yam seng'.
He 'yam seng' non stop. && my brother stop kissing the bride && look at the MC.
&& the MC say, we should break the record for 1 hour 15 minutes of french kissing. -.-
Yeah. We have our dance night after the dinner. LOL.
&& i know 3 lengluis from KL, Audrey's cousins. LOL.
How i know them ? Their aunty say they wanna know me.
&& they wanted to take pics with me. HAHAHHAA.
&& those aunty forced me to dance. -.-
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