Tomorrow is the SPM Trials and i'm still like sitting here onlining and blogging.
I should be infront of the table reading a book or even studying ?!
What the fuck.
Those things just can't get into my bloody brain.
I hate myself for being so stupid and for not studying.
So yea, around two weeks i'm not going to online.
If probably, i can control myself and my mum nags me.
So yea, gonna update after my trials, which is on the 14th September.
And after two days, that's my BIGG BIGGGG BIGGGG DAYYYY !
Chaoz ! :D
Monday, August 31, 2009
Outing again.
Last Friday went out with my bitches again.
Yeah, went and meet Miko up in the library.
Studied awhile, and i dont even think we did studied.
Saw Sherry, Aida, Yamunaa and Shaz in the library.
Talked quite long standing there in the library.
After that, Farah came and joined me and Miko.
Dia tu orang puasa tapi cakap porn porn porn.
After that, we took a cab to Jusco to look for StephWang and LeeGuetLu.
Mind this !
I named it DOUBLE V because it's the Venis Virus.
== I know i sound sweat but i can tell you that this virus is deadly.
In just a few hours or minutes, someone can just get infected by this virus.
Example, StephWang met Venis for just a few hours, and got infected.
Next, Steph went to Carmen house for a sleepover and in just minutes, Carmen got infected.
HAHAHHAA. Stephwang knows what i'm talking about.
After that we walked to Imax in East for our L4D game again.
But dont know why that day not that syok playing that game.
Baby came and join us awhile and went back.
After that we walked to Kopitiam and met up with Chris.
And ii'm so freaking happy because i get to sit on Laikuan's car and okay.
I sound so freaking sakai-ish now.
After having our tea time in Kopitiam, we took walked back to Jusco.
We planned to go for a game of bowling.
But they closed it due to buka puasa.
So we went on camwhoring and doing stupid stuff at rooftop.
There's like no one and no cars there at all.
So freaking ......
Yeah, and we keep on imagining things about l4d.
After that, we took a cab to South to RichieMontana.
But when we reached there, the waitress says that we need to booked because it's full house that night.
We was like wtf and decided to take a cab back to East.
And have our dinner in Akamomiji.
And yea, thanks to Steph for the treat in Akamomiji.
Feel so so bad.
Steph is going back today and yea Stephanie Wang , I MISS YOU HELL LOTS !
I promise you that i will bring you out after my SPM with my car aite ?!
Take care and love yea. :D
I'll show you a magic of COINS ! Hey did you see that coins !? XD
I love to eat she love to eat we love to eat ! :D
The model of the night. XD
I look so utterly retarded. ==
The hunter is jumping. And pouncing. ==
That's the witch. XD
Spot me ! :P
Saturday, August 29, 2009
For some spammers in my blog.
Hey guys !
If you don't like my blog then i would have to ask you to press this.![]()
To the spammers.
And yea, I can tell y'all that i'm so fucking free and fucking free to do a fucking lame video. So any problem with you guys ? That's my fucking life.
I can say that, i live with doing fucking things and fucking lame videos.
If y'all don't like my video then just control your fucking hand from moving the mouse for pointing to the fucking play button of my video and fucking click it.
And yea, I'm a girl and i love to be a boy. So ? Any problems with you guys ?
Why don't y'all fuck all the tomboys, the transvestites, the gays and the lesbians from the whole wide world ?
If y'all doesn't like tomboys or whatsoever, then fuck off from a tomboy's blog.
And oooh yeah, i like to be like a japanese nor a korean. So ?
Y'all have problems with that huh ?
Then just fuck off from kenji-the-japanese-wannabe- blog you assholes.
No one asked y'all to come to a tomboy's blog and of course a japanese-wannabe blog.
So please move your fucking cursor to the fucking X you morons.
Stupid cunts. Fuck off please.
P/S : And yea, I deleted your fucking comments in my fucking Cbox. I don't want spammers to ruined my beautiful and calm Cbox. So yea, fuck off cunts.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New videos new videos !
That's my latest video ! Hope y'all like it.
And rate it ! Comment it ! Subscribe me ! :D
That's another video featured me inside.
Done by Ding.
Rate it ! Comment it ! Subscribe her !
On the Monday. @ 24th August 2009.
On Monday, PJCAD held a workshop in my school hall.
I went and was in a group with Chris, TzeLing, ShanYuen and Mabel.
Miko was there too.
They talked about the design course they have in their college.
And yeah we have a project to do that day.
We can either choose fashion, interior, industrial or graphic design for that day.
So at last we choose fashion, industrial and graphic.
Mabel and Chris work on the fashion and the three of us work on the packaging and logo.
After doing the project, I'm thinking whether should i really be in that course after my high school.
It's not because i gave up or having no interest in it or my mind is not there or whatever.
It's all because of my capability in taking that course.
The first thing is that i dont know how to draw.
My drawing sucks and i know that the course will start from the basic of sketching and so on.
But still i dont want myself to make a wrong decision because i think that i do not have any talent in drawing.
People may seems to think that last time i want this course because i think it was easy and so on.
And now i give up because it's hard .
I can tell you all that my answer is NO. I never gave up and yeah i really like designing !
It's just that maybe because i'm panic or whatsoever that day.
I just dont know how to draw. I feel like i'm so useless because i dont know how to sketch at all.
Alright skip that and yea after the course i went to Parade with Miko and met up with Jessamine, Kelly, Edwin and of course Steph.
Finally, we went to KBOX. LOL.
We sing like hell and waste most of our time in there.
We sing till 6 something and yea everyone went back.
There's no picture for that day for me cause i'm busy singing and eating.
And yea my budak kecil a.k.a ChiYan gave me my birthday present ! AHHAHA
She gave me 5 Ice-Cream keychains ! WHEEEE !
So so so cute right ! :D
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Last Farewell.
Continue from the last post.
After Parade, i walked to school for our BSMM Form 5's Farewell Party.
Met up with those Form5's and we gotta stand out there like half an hour ?
Gosh it was like so hot and my hair went wrong.
After that, we went in and yeah, we were like some VVIP or special guest.
And the deco was nice and there's a little man made fountain by them infront of the stage.
Awww so cute.
And yeah, their theme for that night was Neverland. ;D
So as you can expect, Neverland is like a kid's land . LOL.
So there's many dolls around. LOL !
And i love that rubby duck on the pool. HAHAHA.
So they have performance for us.
And yeah, i love the performance by the form3' s sketch and of course Pia and Chin's dance.
We have our dinner and we got served by them. Bwahahha.
So important huh us. LMAO !
And yea, we played a game organized by the Form3's.
And we were like need to entertain the Form4's.
Walau eh !
And yea, everything ended around 9.30 and i went back at 10 i guess.
Took alot of pictures but i'm lazy to grab it from my Facebook and post it here.
So there's just a few pictures aite.
And yea, message to someone.
To Yiqing ; Don't hate me. I love you. You know i do. AHHAHAHHA. I joking ni ma. Wanna hate me meh ? XDD
To Junting, Pia and Chin ; Hey guys, you three are the people i love the most in BSMM ! :D I love you guys. Do miss me. ;P I'll for sure miss you guys. Love ya ! ;D
Pictures ;
YokeMei, TzeLing, Regine, Shirley, ShanYuen, Prem, LiTng and Katrina. And of course ME ! XD
I'm a retard playing with a doll ! HAHAHAA.Posing with our souvenirs and our teacher, Pn. Poh ! We love you teacher ! ;D
Cantik right ? She's pretty . :D
I love that dolly ! HAHAHA.
Pia and Jaemie and Me.
My beloved ones ! I love you guys ! :D
She's my crazy and dick mate man ! No no pussy ! XD
The 'guys' in the house. AHHAHAHA.
Welcome back StephanieWang ! ;D
Yeah, Stephanie Wang is back ! :P
So i hangout with her with our group of friends, Miko and Kelly yesterday.
We went to Parade and we planned to go to Kbox but at last we canceled the plan because it was like so expensive on a Sunday. -_-
We went to Sushi King for our lunch.
And you know what ?!
I dropped my Sweet Potato Tempura and i can't get to eat. ):
Saddening right ? Sighs.
We took alot of crazy pictures and blahs.
Make hell lot of noises in SushiKing. HAHAHA.
After that, we went to Imax for sure and for sure we went L4D again.
And now, they have like er new map ! Dead Abroad ! WHEEEE !
Freaking nice i tell you the map. And it's like Titanic scene.
And the characters were like sengeted abit. HAHAHHAA.
And the most 'sou heng' part is where we almost reach the last last map and suddenly, off go Miko.
Her computer doesn't have the damn map ! Damn it !
You know how much we play for the damn game ?!
RM7 per person ! Whatthefuck ! Seriously, playing in Parade cost us too much !
I prefer playing in East, the other Imax in East.
Rm1.50 per hour. Everytime we played for few hours doesnt exceed RM5 seriously.
Damn it man.
If we know that, we're not going for KBOX, we should have go to East.
After that we planned for a bowling game but see see, the price was like hell expensive again !
And and and and..... This was the most happening part . LMAO !
Suddenly, baby pops out ! WHEEEEEE !
I never knew baby would come because baby told me that baby couldn't come.
And suddenly, Miko tell me that's baby and I was like, " Bullshitting laa you" .
And i was like OMG when i saw baby walking towards me !
And baby told me that baby find me for more than 20 min.
Oh baby, sorry yea. Love you ! ;D
After that, we went walking around and to the rooftop for some photo taking.
And continue walking around Parade after the guard in Rooftop like giving signals asking us to leave . LOL.
Miko went back so do Kelly.
I went for a change because i gotta go for BSMM Farewell party in my school.
Baby went back and Steph was alone in Parade.
Sorry yea Steph, can't accompany you that time.
Gotta rush to school.
Pictures !
That's Steph's boyfriend in L4D ! HAHAHHAA
Sushi King ;
My reaction shows that i'm actually ewww-ing. And then...
... I was forced to eat something that i don't eat at all. And then...
.... I got abused mentally and physically. And then...
... I drink hell lot of green tea. BECAUSE I ATE SOMETHING SPICY ! FUCK YOU MIKO ! :D
We were shocked and that's the thing i ate which cause me become mentally retarded.
We both were happy because there's this two sushi infront of me. HAHAHA.
And i look like a hamster asking for food. -_-
And there i go, 'm happily eating ! HAHAHA.
Ignore that girl and i know i look nice. AHHAHAHHAA
I look like an aunty going to a market. -_-
This is nice. XD
Random ;
Let's see this three camwhores. :D
Obviously, i'msquattingsitting there. XD
Saw me ?! Saw me !? XD
Retarded. XD
" Huh ? Wh are you taking my picture ? I'm eating . HEEE ! "
I love this picture. Ada feel laaa wey. XD
I look so nice. HAHAHAH.
3 beggars begging for love. Awww. XD
I'm still the best among the rest ! In camwhoring. AHHAHAA.
And now, i announce to you, I'm KENJI ALMIGHTY ! Rain come come !
Another nice picture of the day. XD
Friday, August 21, 2009
My new YouTube Account and Video.
This is my new account in youtube and this is the video.
And btw, i need ideas to do new videos because i ran out of idea.
And i know that those videos i made is so so so fucking boring.
So please help me.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Want to learn how to speak foul language ?
Watch this then !
Diu hai kau lan chat - 5 words used in foul language !
A must watch video !
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Omg baby i really need you everysecond.
Today was the most boring day i ever had seriously.
I dont know why thou, even i online for the whole day, it seems nothing fun for me.
I was like finding for friends to chat and so on.
Eventhough we chatted, but still i'm not that hyper like last time.
And now i realized ,
It's all because of baby. I can't get to message with baby today. SIGHS.
It's like my whole day is lifeless without you baby.
I really wanna tell you this baby.
Baby, I need you so badly.
Baby, please don't ever leave me alone again.
Baby, my day is completely lifeless without you.
Baby, I miss you. :(
You may thought that I'm just over-reacting but i can tell you that i'm not baby.
It's true. I never felt so boring and lifeless like today.
I really can't imagine if one day baby really leaves me.
Omg baby just a few hours you're not here with me and i feel so lifeless.
Baby please promise me don't ever leave me alone again.
I really need you so badly baby.
Baby, I love you. I miss you. And of course i need you baby.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Come on bitch ! I'm waiting . (:
Wonder why my title sounds so freaking sarcastic and weird ?
Wanna know why ?
Visit this blog please.
I know that this is so none of anyone business right here.
Since i can't leave a comment on her post, so i would hope so that she read my blog.
I think she read my blog always because in her blog, she kinda copy some of my form of writing in my blog.
Yeah yeah. Whatever.
Hey bitch. Sorry for calling u a bitch yea. Thanks for promoting me in your blog and thanks for uploading my picture too. You wanna fuck me ? Come on. Take off your pants in front of me and let's get laid. Bitch. (:
Omg i sound so farking sarcastic now !
Bwahahah !
Air - Breaker Installation Day Performance Video.
This is the video of our second performance.
Installation Day on the 1st August 2009.
Enjoy and feel free to comment.
Cbox or my youtube channel.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Videos ! Videos ! Videos !
There's two dance video i would like to upload.
Noob shuffling and Freestyle Popping.
Freestyle Popping - Edits by Ding. Thanks (:
Noob Shuffling by Me. XD
And yea this is the video i love the most.
Make sure you laugh out loud when u watch this kay ?
Enjoy guys ! =D
Specially for some short bitch.
This post is specially for a fcuking short bitch in my fcuking school.
I bet you know who you are bitch.
I forgot to write this in my last post, Installation Day.
There's one thing i wanna say about this bitch.
She is fucking short and looks like a maid. Seriously.
I still remember the first day i step into this school, i saw someone who's like so short and dark. I thought she was like somehow a cleaner in the school or whatever.
So i dont give a damn and walk away.
After that, I realized that she's a fcuking teacher. OMG.
Nevermind, i dont mind either.
But this year, this freaking month and yesterday freaking day, the fire in me starts to boil because of her bloody face and attitude.
Jess, Venis and me were like actually walking in the hall and went into the prefects room to put our stuff and so on.
The minute we step into the hall, her fucking stares makes me feel like showing the middle finger to her. oOo
We went into the prefects room and talk with those PIC there.
Suddenly she came to us and say,
"What are you all wearing ? "
" Like this lah "
" Turn ur body to me. Zip it up (to Jess), (to Venis) How about you ? "
Venis zip up her jacket and turn to her.
" Zip it up more. You dont have to show ur cleavage and i dont want to see the line there. "
"If you guys wanna wear like that, then u guys dont have to dance"
I was like, WTF. What's your problem ?! We wore long pants and even jackets. What u expect us to wear ? Like the Arabian ? With black cloth covering the whole body except for the bloody eyes ?!
&%*&^%#(* &)!*(&#)(*&!$
Our mood was like wtf. As if we wanted to dance for you.
It's like we have no money, no cert no nothing !
We did it just for the sake of our friends who requested for us.
Dont think that we wanted to perform badly for ur function or wanna attract more attention.
Please, shut the fuck off if u dont like us.
After that, Shaleni was wearing a dress for her singing performance.
Seriously, it's really really normal and it's not obscene at all or sexy.
She asked Shaleni to change to a long pants and a t-shirt ?!
WTF seriously.
And one more thing, she even asked Michelle to change too.
But Michelle didn't even change.
Michelle was like wearing a skirt with a blouse.
It's like so normal right ?
They never showed their clevage and lines or whatsoever.
Why are you so fucking retard ?
Please, we are in the 20th Century for god sake.
We know that you wear like a maid and you were like the 80's or what ?!
I think even the 80's are much more hotter than you bitch.
I would like to say this.
" As if that we perform by wearing something sexy, not really sexy, just a skirt or a dress , and the guys will get high and masturbate themselves or even come up the stage and rape us. "
That's what i said to them.
If you really scared this will happen or whatever, then dont ever wear a skirt bitch !
Mummize yourself then.
Wrap yourself with bandages or whatsoever.
Dont ever even showed ur face or ur skin or ur legs or ur toes or even ur fucking fingers.
Fuck off bitch !
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