Saturday, August 30, 2008

Inter-Class Drama Competition

Inter-Class Drama Competition ;

Sorry for the late update due to laziness. :P
This post is about the Form 4 Inter-Class Drama Competition about Patriotism on the 27th due to Merdeka !
There's only 6 classes that joined the competition.
Orchid, Lily, Cempaka, Bunga Raya, && two more which i forget. lol.

Our class drama entitled ; ' Mecinta' which means Melayu, Cina & Tamil. LOL.
Our drama cast ;

Narrator ; Danisha.
Monisha ; Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Yuashini ; Pegawai 1.
Adrienna ; Pegawai 2.
Amelia ; Pegawai 3.
Masyarakat Melayu :
Amelia ; Ketua Kampung
Chris ; Penduduk Kampung.
Bonnie ; Penduduk Kampung.
Masyarakat Cina :
Pashvinder ; Pelombong Bijih Timah.
Adrienna ; Pelombong Bijih Timah.
Lai Kuan ; Pelombong Bijih Timah.
Masyarakat India :
Yuashini ; Penoreh Getah.
Meng Foong ; Penoreh Getah.
Joey ; Pelombong Getah.

The story is about how Tunku Abdul Rahman unite all 3 races to gain Independence.
lol. funny story.

Eventhough we didn't get any places but we enjoyed it. :D
Whooooot !

Meng Foong.

Tunku Abdul Rahman with all those useless pegawai. LOL.

Masyarakat Melayu.

I'm a Malay. LOL.

Sorry for not having others masyarakat pictures because lack of memory space in my camera. && the photographer didn't even take it. -.-

After the drama, there's another drama happening in our class.
Let's see.

OMG ! My baby came out. LOL.

Woah ! Woah ! The baby is big. lol.

Rape. lol.

Cast ; Monisha, Meng Foong & Adrienna.


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