Went to Jusco today with Junting & Puimun. Puimun messaged me & tell me that Bonnie ffk her. So she's alone in Jusco. But I still take my own sweet time eating my lunch at home. lol. And i get scolded from mum. lol.
I get changed & rushed to Jusco. Junting arrived after Puimun arrived. Junting changed her clothes in the toilet. After that we went to Padini to buy a long sleeves shirt. We went looking at Seed but nothing suit nor fit Junting.
We went looking at Padini then, and we found a few nice want. So she went and try a few. At last, she bought want while i bought nothing. lol.
We went to MOG Eyewear, to look for a nice specs for Junting. Wanna change her look. lol. We went trying on many specs but not really nice.
And in a sudden, Baby messaged me and say she's coming. Whoooo~ ! Happy-sial ! lol. At first, she say can't come. Then, we were walking & we saw Annie & Karshwen.
While me & Baby walking, we lost sight of Junting & Puimun. Then, we went Capcom & have a sit. Then they messaged me & called me a few times but I can't listen. After that, Baby went to look for her mum, so I went to look for Junting in Food&Tea. And Puimun is LOST ! lol.
We went finding for Puimun and we found her. Then we went to look for the new Kopitiam inside supermarket. And it looks. *speechless* LOL. We decided to go Food&Tea.
Baby messaged me & say her mum went dee. So she came & join us back. We ordered a french fries, Romance Of Love & Lychee Pudding. Baby went off that time. =[ After our tea-time, we went to FoodCourt to buy things to eat. HAHAHAHAHA. We bought wedges & hash browns. lol Then we went to McD to stteal some ketchup. HAHHAHA.
After that, me & Junting gotta go home dee. Puimun damn tak syok ler. Aiks. Kita pun tak mau ler puimun. xD
Went to granny house after that. Played with that fatty bum bum, Austin. xD I just love him so much.
He's just so chubby. Aww.
*smile* =]
"See my sexy pose. Sexy right ? Whee-whit !
I still posing. xD
Went back home & online till now. Watched Moonlight Resonance Epi 14 & 15. Have a stupid conver with that Annie.
And Annie believe that the grey packet is CONDOM ! WTH ! xD
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