Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just gonna upload some pictures for the day.
Kinda boring && my blog feels lonely without me updating it.
Pictures time ;I love my shades ! :))
Just cam-whoring for some time. i love my pants. xD
Urmm. My honeystars with milk. I know it looks disgusting, but it's DELICIOUS ! xD
This is something from Bosch. A headset for drillers. xD
There's a radio. && a mic. A soundproof headset. xD
Look at my bro. Playing with balloons. Scaring a lil child. -.- && my mum still can laugh. -.-
" Ehh, why my bobo zhao yong dee want. " This is what he say that time. -.-
Awwww ! So BIG ! lol.
This is what i do the whole afternoon. Decorating for my brother marriage. :))
My cousin, the next skeleton driller. xD
See that lil child. That's the one my bro was scaring. xD
She's so cute right ? Lil DJ. xD
Bosch's models. -.-
Well, my brother is NOT a GAY && he's not that gayish actually.
He just like to play around && makes people laugh out loud. lol.
I'll give y'all some of my bro's link in youtube.
Have a look. :))
His Youtube Profile.
I recommend these few videos made by him. Funny videos. xDDa Machaz (DMZ) - Lip Syncing BSB's Get Down *MUST WATCH!!!*
Da Machaz (DMZ) - The Making Of.. Lip Syncing BSB's Get Down
Da Machaz (DMZ) - The Adrian Tan's Talk Show
Da Machaz (DMZ) - Story of 2 "Professional" Footballers
He's getting ready for his next videos. LOL.
Enjoy !
Tagged by TeenWei, Chia, && Lenglui.
[01] Name: Amelia Lim Hsu Fern.
[02] Nickname: Kenji . Kenken . Bitch [certain people ONLY]
[03] Married: Don't know . xD
[04] Zodiac Sign: Virgo .
[05] Gender: Female .
[06] Age: 16 .
[07] High School: SMC ; Main Convent .
[08] College: -
[09] Height: 167cm .
[10] Weight: 45-50kg i think. i know i'm fat. =P .
[11] Do you like yourself: Only when I'm good-looking xD .
[12] Piercings: Yes .
[13] Right or left: Both .
[14] Are you a freak : Music & Dancing Freak .
[15] Hair: Black :( .
[16] Skin: Don't know how to describe xD .
[17] Allergic: Nyamuk xD .
[18] What are you doing now: Completing this tag && listening to Cream .
[19] What will you do 1 hour later: Packing .
[20] What will you do 10 years later : 26years old ? relaxing?? I suppose. xD
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: Parents .
[22] Siblings(included you): 3 brothers && me !
[23] Eldest: My brother .
[24] Youngest: ME .
[25] Love/hate your family: Love .
[26] You found your another half: Yes, i do. :))
[27] If yes, who is he/she: Everyone knows who she is. My baby ; Chong Wen Yi-
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: No one. Still i WANTS her. :))
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: Uncountable. LOL. not that over. Urmm, maybe 10 times. xD
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): wahh. don't know. xD -
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): I don't think so. xD-
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: Wait, which kind of WRONG ?
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: Again, what kind of WRONG ?-
[34] Ever argue with your other half: Yes, every couple does.
[35] You with your other half since: 1st July 2007. :))
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: I should say, Lesbo && Bisexual .
[37] Reasons you love your other half: There's no reason because she's the only one i love.
[38] You and your other half in which stage: hah ? apa maksud ? lol.
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: of course she laa ! nola, joking. is me. xD
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: Nope, is impossible.
[41] Your first best friend: Chris . Since Form3 till Now . [;
[42] Your first enemy: That BITCH !
[43] The friend you love the most: My Bitches & My Sayangs . ;D
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): That BITCH !
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: My baby ! xD .
[46] Your most handsome guy friend: - No comment xD .
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: other Bitches . etc .
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: Who hates Tomboy. WTH . etc
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: Once.
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: NO !
[51] If your friend backstabbing you: HUH ? .
[52] If your friend betray you: Disappointed .
[53] If your friend woo your lover: As long my friend tell me about it. && don't ever lie to me behind my back .
[54] If your friend fall in love with you: Depend who is he/she .
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: Never gonna happen. xD
[56] Are you a good student: Yes, i am ! xD.
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: Half done ; Half uncomplete .
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: Puan Chan && Puan Faridah .
[59] Always late to school/college: Sometimes because of overslept. xD.
[60] Your class: 4 Orchid . *bersatu-padu && funny && lovely class* [;
[61] You love your seniors: Someone, not love actually . :))
[62] Senior who you love the most: Someone. not love actually .
[63] Your classmates good/bad: We semua bersatu-padu ! :))
[64] Excellent result classmate: Puimun && the gang .
[65] Laziest classmate: Me . xD
[66] Smart people: Puimun ; etc
[67] Stupid people: Me . :(
[68] Good looking people: All my friends are goodlooking ! :))
[69] Ugly people: BITCHES !
[70] Funny people: Cary ; Monisha
[71] Cute people: Junting ; && many more.
[72] Bad people: Some people.
[73] Honest people: Never know. xD
[74] Acting people: The BITCH !
[75] You are what kind of people: Seeking attention, wannabe like what the bitch say. xD ; the true me ; friendly, sometimes cool, cakap-banyak, busybody && funny ! xD
[76] Lip or eyes: Eyes.
[77] Hugs or kisses: HUGS !
[78] Shorter or taller: Taller.
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: Spontaneous.
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: Both ;D
[81] Listener or talker: Both.
[82] Romantic or rich: Both.
[83] Good husband or Good Father: -
[84] Age to get marry: Never know the future.
[85] Numbers of kid(s): WTH. but if can. 1 boy 1 girl. xD
[86] Career: Dancer ; something to do with Graphic && Advertising .
[87] Salary: Over than RM3000++ xD
[88] Retirement age: Younger the best. xD
[89] Properties value: RM0 for now. xD
[90] Wishes: *some moments that will live forever*
[91] Choko
[92] Chris
[93] SusZien
[94] Phyliss
[95] Winnie
[96] Emiko
[97] Ding
[98] Eunice
[99] Sugarbii
[100] Anyone who wants to do this blog.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Birthday Presents. :))
Well, it's time to upload about my birthday presents.Well, that's all for my 16th Birthday present. :))
Appreciate all the presents. lol.
:))Let's guess what is inside.
Neways, it's from my babe. :))Whooot ! It's my BAPE tee shirt. Hee. Love you baby. Mwahhh ! :))
Baby Milo Cap ; Huiyun. Thanks ! :))
Colourful cap ; ChiaPing. Love you my BITCH ! :))
Shades ; Chris. Love you my BITCH ! :))
From Jaemie ; it's something nice inside. :))
Friday, September 26, 2008
All about a Bitch. [ Part Three ]
Bitch's Blog.Whoooot ! Finally, i got her link. *evil laugh*
&& whoever who wants to view her blog. make it fast.
before she changed her link.
she's a chicken you know. lol.
YOU think i really care what you say about me in your blog ?
&& now i tell you, i DON'T FUCKING GIVE A DAMN ON IT !
I thought you were just a over-reacting bitch.
But now, i realize one more thing, that is, you're a fucking copycat.
Ouchh !
Wanna know why ? Ask yourself bloody bitch.
&& don't be a scary chicken bitch. edited your blog after i scold the hell out of you.
remove some fucking post. you think i don't know ? Bullshit.
Actually, do you know what's the meaning of a slut && whores ?
I think, you might wanna go have a look at the DICTIONARY.
I never sell my body to anyone. did i ? O.0.
Are you mentioning about yourself then ? Selling your body to guys ? O.0
Now i realize. xD
Let's have a look at this particular statement she has made.
Well,apparently she thinks that i like her and she also thinks that i am scared of her.She acts cool in front of people and she thinks they like her. But they dont.In other words,shes an attention seeking slut and a wannabe.
Woahh. Are you mentioning about yourself again ? lol.
I admit I'm a attention-seeker && a wannabe. So ? Is it your problem ?
But at least I'm way better than you. You seek for unwanted attention && a bitch wannabe.
Over-reacting attention. Fuck.
The next statement ;
In your blog,u said that u blocked me. Do you even think i give a damn?I am not afraid n i dun giv a shit about sluts,whores,lesbians,bitches n attention seeking sluts just like you! Understand that!
Did i say i want you to give a damn on my fucking blog post about i blocked you ?
I didn't even fucking say that right ? So blast off you bitch.
What I'm gonna say about this is ; you're just a perasan case bitch.
&& no one ask you to give a shit on sluts, whores, lesbians, bitches && attention seeking sluts like me.
&& no one wants your SHIT for god sake. lol.
Always write something with no common sense. You're not afraid ? HA.HA.HA.
Next statement ;
U are just so scared to call me a bitch on my face ryt? At least you know that i will give u tight slap if u try to be funny. You must be so bloody embarassed that u are shorter than me but u act so bloody great.
I'm scared to call you a bitch right on your face ? O.0
I'm so scared, mummmyyyy !
I'm so sorry, but i didn't know that you will give me a tight slap if I try to be funny.
Once again, perasan case bitch.
Don't always say things by yourself that you think is gonna happen.
O.0 am i short ? I don't really know. You're taller than me ? So ?
I don't give a damn. As long I'm happy with my short height. Whoooot !
Next statement ;
U are the worst Bitch i ever came across.U dont even know how to speak proper english and your grammar is always wrong but u go on clucking about the same shit! U even dared to lie about me in your fucking blog! U are such a cheap fucking bitch!
Whoa. I don't even know how to speak proper english. So ?
My grammar is always wrong. So ?
Your problem ar ? You're my mum ar ? Bullshit.
If you're so clever then, stop studying && become a fucking teacher.
O.0 did i lie ? Who knows ? God knows. I knows. && who gives a damn ?
I don't. Once again, copycat. Fucking copycat.
You know what i was trying to prove here.
Cheap skate bitch !
Next statement ;
If u wanna fight,have the courage n say it on peoples face. U dont have to go round writing about them on your blog.U are just a big fat coward!
O.0 why must i fight with someone who have no brains, childish, immature && a chicken ?
Just a waste of time. Time is precious bitch.
Appreciate your fucking time && put all your time into a fucking use.
Blog is for people to write what they want && feel.
You're writing me in your blog too, so it means you're just mentioning about yourself again.
Stupid ass.
&& now i know i'm fat, i think i should go on a diet before i can sit my big fat ass on your fucking face.
Last statement ;
I hope u die in Hell coz sluts like u,belong in Hell!!
O.0 hell ? Now i know sluts can go to hell && sell their body there.
&& whoa, i would like to know what's hell looks like.
&& would like to search anyone who have the same fucking face like yours in hell.
Whooot ! Wish me luck in hell then. xD
&& if i belong to hell, i wouldn't be here cursing you bitch.
Use your brains for god sake.
Don't use your fat ass to think !
I'm so sorry for using so many bad words here. My bad. But I can't stop my hand from typing it out. Because it's all mentioning about a bitch. Happy reading ! :))
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
All about a Bitch. [ Part Two ]
Well, let's continue about this topic.
&& ya, i know YOU saw my blog already. && stop being childish.
Wanna revenge by writing bad stuffs about me in YOUR BLOG !
Well, i don't mind. Continue. I would like to see what are you gonna write next.
Today, she came up to Form 4 Block, kononnya wanna say sorry to me.
I don't fucking give a damn. I went to the staircase where she is standing.
&& she did it again. *OVER-REACTING*
&& she did it again. *WHY DID YOU CALL ME A BITCH ?*
Well, she didn't say that, but her friend told me she wanna know WHY ?
I went back to class. && ya, i asked all my friends to come out. so ?
The same thing she does. *OVER-REACTING*
Well, we all went back to class since it's our dismissal time.
&& i went to the stairs again with Chris.
She asked my friend to go away && wanted to talk to me alone.
I declined. What for talk to me alone ? Any secrets that people can't know ?
&& this is the time we do our talkings.
I am raising my voice. so ? && when i asked her, " did i answer you ? did i ? answer me. " " how many times did i ask you ? "
she answered, " yayaya. 3 or 4 to 5 times NOW. "
&& she keep repeating this sentence.
I get fed-up && my voice getting raised every second i heard her voice.
I try talking to her nicely, but i can't. I'm so sorry.
&& what's her problem ?
I'm the one who is finding problem with her.
Why the fuck she wanna write bad bout my girlfriend in her BLOG ?!
I'm a LESBIAN, so ? Is that your business ?
&& she even say I'm raising my voice. but YOU ? did YOU ?
She even talk and ask rudely to Chris.
" Eh friend, friend. " WTH is this ?!
Chris talked to her nicely && she fucking raised her voice up.
I don't give a damn whether i raised my voice up anot.
&& when she talk, she need to move her head. Any diseases ? Or sickeness ?
It's so sickening, please.
&& advise to her friend. stop being so keh-po-chi / busybody/ 8 po !
It's none of your business.
Her friend came to us && say,
" I don't want to get barge in with this, but PLEASE STOP IT. I feel so sick of it. "
If you feel sick, then stay out of our way please.
Don't stay there.
&& she told me that, she can't understand my English.
Well, i admit that i was talking BROKEN ENGLISH. so ?
You can't understand, your business.
I'm not being rude here or in school. But your attitude is so SICKENING !
If you were to say, why did i call you a bitch in my blog.
Then i will answer, "ya, now i called you a bitch since you WANTED it so much. "
P/S : An advice for you again.
Stop Shaking Your Head While Talking.
Don't keep staring people with your BIG EYES !
Don't think that your English is good. Don't get so self-admiring.
Stop being so cheap by proposing to a GUY.* this is what i heard from EVERYONE. RUMORS that you'll believe in. && i do believe it now. THANKS TO YOU ! * :))
*&& anyone out there thinks I'm rude again. Please kindly click the [x] above.*
Question ; Gay or Lesbianism is a crime. Do you agree ?
My answer ; I don't ! It's our life, our style. What for you wanna care about it. We have the rights to have gay or lesbianisme relationship.
Whoever who don't agree, i don't mind. But just don't look down on them or tease them. Is their lifestyles. Who cares ?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Moonlight Resonance.

Whooot ! Finally, i finished all 40 Episodes of Moonlight Resonance.
Feel happy. lol.
Well, eventhough you don't have Astro On Demand, you can check out these links.
By the way, some of the episodes can't buffer.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Episode 1: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=O2JOWP6L
Episode 2: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=XJ82KRHT
Episode 3: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=TZJA2VV7
Episode 4: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=PX98OUHC
Episode 5: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=VE1VTNC3
Episode 6: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=LOLOMQ6S
Episode 7: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=VBUZ2QL4
Episode 8: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=CPZ1TZEN
Episode 9: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=W2GUCXHG
Episode 10: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=M7E6CX82
Episode 11: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=MAEVC5SX
Episode 12: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=G9W7YB04
Episode 13: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=95BYGBZC
Episode 14: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=8P9T6LNR
Episode 15: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=H212NC2F
Episode 16: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=5OC99R1S
Episode 17: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=2IQZANFT
Episode 18: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=2BA5XV30
Episode 19: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=LA2BFHKP
Episode 20: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=NRQZULYM
Episode 21: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=2JY19W49
Episode 22: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=3RN2VPQ7
Episode 23: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=CVN3DRLX
Episode 24: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=FYTCKZFQ
Episode 25: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=I8SF40O7
Episode 26: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=SWXCLZ1G
Episode 27: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=XF6OD2HK
Episode 28: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=HRVI7YLC
Episode 29: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=764XOTKZ
Episode 30: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=TMJIY0RC
Episode 31: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=K4KG31AK
Episode 32: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=M1ZFM2OK
Episode 33: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=0BF5RQ0Z
Episode 34: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=YL8EM0LN
Episode 35: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=AJYXX18F
Episode 36: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=76OHW5HF
Episode 37: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=LMRZMYG8
Episode 38: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=LEVKJRQN
Episode 39: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=SG8WYS3F
Episode 40: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=QQSL5SXO
Moonlight Resonance - JSG - Special Edition: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=0TYNFVTS
無心害你 by Susanna Kwan (Main Theme) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KYNZI3UD
Ice Cream by DNR (Subtheme) - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KUXHW4X6
Don't Love Me Enough by Raymond Lam (Ending theme) - http://www.sendspace.com/file/44g3dl
Enjoy !
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Just wanna share something.
Msn skins ? lol.
Let's have a look at my new MSN skin.
:))Behind ; My plurk layout. Right ; My msn. :))
The conversation box && contact list && contacts online. :))
Notice that i have 3 webcam all around me ? lol. Spot it. xD
*i'm just feeling so sick of B I T C H E S currently.*
*sick of life*
All about a Bitch.
This post is mainly all about a bitch. I'm so sorry for calling you a bitch this time.
A simple intro about her ;
Name ; Rose[her nickname] *i give some face to her, i don't want to mention her real name.*
Age ; 13 Childish Year.
School ; My beloved alma mater, Main Convent.
Face ; No comment.
Attitude ; Fucked up && over-reacting. *i hate that*
Should i upload her picture ? Maybe not. Well, let's see what she will do again next week. If she's too over, she's gonna get it no matter what.
Am i mean ? If you're in my position then you might know what's my feeling is when I'm facing this kind of person. But if you feel that I'm being mean to a girl, then kindly click the [x] above. This blog is mine. So, back off if you don't like it !
If the person i mention above read this post, I'm so sorry for calling you a bitch in public.
I don't want to. But you forced me. I gave you so many fucking chances && you don't fucking appreciate it. You made alot of mistake but you just don't change ! It sucks, you know ?!
Well, let's start with what she did for the first time that annoyed me.
Enjoy ! :))
Situation 1 ; Beginning of the year, i suppose.
Well, at first i don't know her. && i don't even know she exist in this school. no offence. Everytime i walk pass the hall, i saw this particular girl. When this particular girl saw me or bumped at me, her reaction is like so-fucking-over. && i hate it. What comes on my mind is ? Weirdo. This is the 1st thing i dislike about her. But i don't give a damn.
Situation 2 ;
She added me in MSN. At first i really don't know who is her. I don't know the person in MSN is that particular girl. Everytime she keep ask me, do you know who am i ? I was like, No. -.- At last she show her picture && well i say i saw her before. She craps to me alot. && told me that actually she admired my breakdance. I was like, okayy. Don't give a damn.
Situation 3 ;
One day, i was right outside our school's koperasi. && she was just at sudut bacaan which were only a few meters away. && i repeat again. She's over-reacting. She shouted there, acting panicked, looking for Panadol. She shouted at me && ask for Panadol. Well, i'm a PBSM member, so she went && asked me for it. So i answer, no. we don't keep Panadols. && you try to guess what she reply me ? She said, " OMG, what kind of PBSM is this, save people ? NO! Letting people to die. If my friend got any problem, you gonna get it. " This is what she reply. Over-reacting ? Her friend will die without Panadols ? Funny.
Situation 4 ;
That time, i was in Koperasi with YokeMei && Chris talking to a few person.
Secret stuff, i suppose. About performance. YokeMei should know about it && Chris too. This particular girl open the Koperasi door && we looked at her. Then, she make faces && slammed that damn door. That time, my mood wasn't that good && I'm furious that time. I went and open the door && asked what's your problem. && she innocently replied me, nothing. But, she went && called prefects to chase us away. WTF right ? What's her problem ?
Situation 5 ;
Not long ago. Maybe yesterday ? lol. I forget. Btw, she came && find me in MSN again. Asking me, " Why did you call me a bitch ? " And i answer her, " When did i called you a bitch ? " . She say, it was a girl who told her. So, she wanna know why ? && i tell her. I didn't call you a bitch aite ? && she innocently replied me, "Okay okay. I know you didn't call me a bitch."
Situation 6 ;
This is what pissed me off. Today at school, her friend called me while i was walking down the stairs. She say that particular person wanna talk to me. So i stopped && listen. She asked me again, " Why did you call me a bitch ? " Honestly, I'm fucking pissed that time ! I feel like scolding her but i didn't. I scared she will come && asked me, " Why did you scold me ? " -.- Then i say that i already told her that i didn't call her a bitch. && she say, that girl told me it was Intan who told her. I was like WTF. I just walked away && she showed me fucked up faces again !
Situation 7 ;
She came and find me in MSN today. && she asked again, " I just wanna know why you call me a bitch ? ". I was damn pissed off && she say i was rude. WTF. After scolding for awhile. She say, "it was hard talking to you" && she went offline. Maybe she blocked me. But who gives a damn ?! I don't give a damn. Do you give a damn ? lol. But i continue writing in that conver. Well, i was rude that time. I admit. But so ? I don't give a damn. I can't take it anymore. Her stupid fucking attitude.
&& i blocked her too, finally.
Actually, i don't want to be mean. But you're the one who force me. Sorry to be rude, but i will say you're a bitch !
Friday, September 19, 2008
My new hairstyle.
I cut my hair on Wednesday. lol.
Update about it today because never took any pictures yet.
I feel is ugly. && other people feel no difference. -.-
lol. let's have a look.The front of my hair. lol.
The side of my hair. lol. Eventhough, not really side. xD
Camwhoring time. xD
Hot Ass. *perasan*
Chicken head. xD
Webcamming Addicts. xD
Currently, there's few people addicted to webcamming. lol.
Some examples ;Chia Promoting her Lappie && I'm Like OMFG !
Pamela && Me.
Black Screen && Me. WTF. -.-
Blek. :P -.-
Blek Part 2. -.-
Crazy shot.
Ultraman ? lol.
Acting cute. xD
Chor && Patrick. HAHAHHAA.
FUCK YOU ! lol. not to her of course. xD
Caps. lol.
You see. What i say is true right ? lol.
There's many more out there.
So I'm gonna slowly upload more && more bout webcamming. xD
Btw. Thanks to DinG for the birthday wish && the picture she did for me. :))Btw, that breakdancer on top of the 'K' is me. lol. DinG transform my pic to this. Thanks DinG ! :))
This is the one. hee. :))

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