Wake up at almost 10 smtg if im not mistaken..LOL..forgot wad time i wake up..LOL..old dee..xD..well..prepare to go out wif parents..to my granny hse..LOL..was busy styling my hair..while my mum was nagging bout me downstairs for staying so long up ere..LOL..her voice is GREAT..hahaha..shhh..hope she din see dis blog..LOL..she never gonna get to noe bout dis..haha..well..reach my granny hse..LOL..i saw my AIDAN boy~!!he's so CUTEEEE bt he get thinner n thinner ady..LOL..he was playin wif MASAK-MASAK~=.=|||..LOL..as a boy oso lik masak masak..me as a gal oso never play b4..haha..except accompany doz lil cuz to playy.LOL..den have my lunch over dere..my uncle was a GREAT COOK~!!i LOVEE his dishes..LOL..bt i just ate a bowl of porridge cooked by him..=)..cx dun reli have da appetite to eat cx i miss HER~!=(*sad*..and den..Aidan came to me and say.."i wanna bath"..i was lik.."err..go ask ur mamie laa.ask me for wad.."LOL..den his mum was lyk.."dan,u wanna bath??"..and he anser"yea..i wan AMELIA YEE YEE to help me bath"..i was lyk..WADDA~!!!??at last oso i bath for him..and datz was my furst experience bathing a 3-year old child..LOL..after dat..i was too bored dat my parents left me at my granny hse..LOL..so i decided to cycle to CHIAX hse to have some chat..and it was raining..LOL..went in her hse..den talk talk talk~LOL..n den i cam whore myself in her room using her cam..LOL..damn perasan la me..xD..n den she have her dinner..while i was folding stars for her..LOL..and my dad msg me..asked me to go bk..so i cycled bk to my granny hse..LOL.thank god it was not raining dat timee..hees^^..
dis is da result of my cam-whoring in her room~LOL..
after edit..LOL..
well.went back to home..n den have a nap till 8 smtg..LOL..n den played some game with KYAN..LOL..we are addicted to this game..itz niceee~~..LOL..dis is da link to the game..shud have a try..LOL..http://u.rewujie.com..hees^^..den went out to greentown buisness center to have my dinenr..LOL..den came bek..played da game again..LOL..oops!i forgot~!!my dear msg me!!!wheee~!!b4 i went out for my dinner~!!!miss her shooo muchhh~!!!so happy to recieve her msg..hees^^..i was so in a heartpain when she tell me dat her whole body muscle was aching..*sobb*wish i was by her side now..*sad..=(..sorry dear..well..den i called my dear..hees^^so happy to listen to her voice..hees^^tok tok tok..almost for 39.59 minutes..LOL..and used up all my crdt n left rm0.80..i top up dis morning wif da help of LAURA..she help me buy da reload..thx laura..=]..den my dear fall asleep..din reply my msg dee..LOL..she's a pig..bt my pig..LOL..well.itz time for me to shadap n get to my bed now..LOL.goodnyte..=]..love you my shayang~!!mwahhx..
dis is da result of my cam-whoring in her room~LOL..
well.went back to home..n den have a nap till 8 smtg..LOL..n den played some game with KYAN..LOL..we are addicted to this game..itz niceee~~..LOL..dis is da link to the game..shud have a try..LOL..http://u.rewujie.com..hees^^..den went out to greentown buisness center to have my dinenr..LOL..den came bek..played da game again..LOL..oops!i forgot~!!my dear msg me!!!wheee~!!b4 i went out for my dinner~!!!miss her shooo muchhh~!!!so happy to recieve her msg..hees^^..i was so in a heartpain when she tell me dat her whole body muscle was aching..*sobb*wish i was by her side now..*sad..=(..sorry dear..well..den i called my dear..hees^^so happy to listen to her voice..hees^^tok tok tok..almost for 39.59 minutes..LOL..and used up all my crdt n left rm0.80..i top up dis morning wif da help of LAURA..she help me buy da reload..thx laura..=]..den my dear fall asleep..din reply my msg dee..LOL..she's a pig..bt my pig..LOL..well.itz time for me to shadap n get to my bed now..LOL.goodnyte..=]..love you my shayang~!!mwahhx..
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