well.wake up today at 6am in the morning..so sleepyy..*yawn*..gotta get ready for the trip to cameron..LOL..get clean up n dressed up~msg my baybee..i cant bliv she reply me..LOL..she say cx i disturb her slp wor..da msg sound..yor~!..if i noe i wont wake u up ler dear~xD..almost 7 reach my granny hse..LOL..we ate our brkfast dere..bt i din eat anythg..oni a fishball..LOL..7.30am da van reach..we sewa van naik wan..LOL..11 ppl going..so sewa van lebih baikk..LOL..crapping lar me..xD..i sat wif my 2 cousin bhind da van..LOL..we take almost 1hour++ to reach dere..da weather were so cold in da morning..LOL..sumore open window pulakk..haha..bt itz DAMN FUN~!..xD..we stop at da strawberry farm to eat da ice-cream..made of real strawberryy..YUMMY!!bt damn COLD..LOL..stupid DIGI..no LINE dere..cant msg wif my dear..sobbie~*sad*..afta dat went to dnu whr..LOL..we went many places..bt our plan going dere is actualy not shopping bt going to the temple to do some ceremony of my late grandma..so we reach da temple about 11 smtg i guess..LOL..cant slp in da van pulakk..so me and my 2 cousin were cam-whoring in d van..LOL..da ceremony last for almost an hour..i was lik so sleepy and tired..and sudd my bii msg me!!!hehes^^..happy..=]..miss her shooo muchhh~afta dat..have our lunch at da temple for vegetarian..da dishes was niceee..=]..deliciouss..LOL..btw..itz damn cold in da temple..i was lik freezing dere..LOL..afta dat we went for shopping[flowers,vegetables and fruits]=.=|||..auntiess mmg auntiess...LOL..we went to the CAMERON VALLEY to have some fresh tea..yummy~i loveee teaaa~!!!bt of cx i lovee my baybeee moree~!!!=]..da weather and da background were really nice..LOL...afta dat went to cactus farmm..LOL..the small cactus were so cuteeeee!!!~wanna buy it..S0BZ..afta dat went to tanah rata and ahve a walk dere..afta dat we went to deir market..LOL..all oso strawberry stuff.haha..it rmb me of my dear..hahhaa..den we wanted to buy honeycombs..bt da market were not selling any of doz..so we planned to go da bee farm..bt at last we cant..cx it was raining heavily..so we decided to return bk to ipoh~i slept in da van finally..cx cant msg wif my bii~x(..at last reach simpang pulaii..LOL..slp till so fast reach..xD..finally reach my granny hse..it was still raining..LOL..get wet..haha..den went bk home to take a bath and get ready to go yuk choy school..gonna meet up wif my dear~!!!wheeee~!!!reach dere..dear n jiaxin waiting me..mcm VVIP je me..LOL..den we went in to see some performancee..wanted to see pamela performancee..bt dat jiaxin say is dat SEXY SEXY LOVER dance..i was lyk preparing my camera to capture it..bt see seee..veteran ladies came out and dance LINE DANCE..=.=|||..LOL..den went out to the basketball court dere dating wif my bii~!!!=]..LOL..den we went out for MY dinner at da xiu wan deng deree..LOL..eat char kuey tiao..xD..den my dear finish it up for me..cx kena CHILI..LOL..cant eat spicy..xD..went bk to yuk choy...den go dating again..xD..den itz time to go bk..jiaxin oso went bk..pamela oso went bk..btw..i saw RYAN..his hair was lik..BOOM~!!!.xD.so PUNKISHH~THIS IS CALLED REAL PUNK~!!!x)..den dating again..LOL..dear geh dadie called adyy..gtg bk..sobb..so sad..get to hug her so tightly..i don't wanna let her go..=[...*sad*..dnu when ni i can meet her again~=[..i waited my dad to came..im da last 1 who go bek..LOL..den came bek home..on9 again~untill now..still chating wif my bii~hees^^..itz enough for tonyte..nyte nyte..loveee u shayang~!!!!=]

Me In Cameron Valley.xD

Cam-Whoring With Sean And Su-Yi~xD

Cactus in Cactus Farm.
Me In Cameron Valley.xD

Cam-Whoring With Sean And Su-Yi~xD

Cactus in Cactus Farm.
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