26/12/2007-well..i will start this post from yday..since i din update it yday..well..i put alarm to wake me up on 7 in the morning..because it was time Wenyi had to go Thailand..*sad*..i wait n wait..she still haven't message me..until bout 8 something..she message me!!!and i quickly reply her..i was like holding my fone all the time when i was sleeping..so i can at least feel the vibration if any message comes in..LOL..we were lik messaging..we message till she reach thai border..that is the time i was really down..there were no line at all..can't message her..she reach dere bout..ermm..i think 3smtg if im not mistaken..i was lyk so sleepy..i tried not to close my eyes while messaging herr..LOL..and it was..so damn uncomfortable..LOL..but i'm willing to do it..xD..i went to parade with my parents and bro to buy his ADIDAS PREDATOR POWERSWERE.stupid bro.dat thing is like so expensive..LOL..den i check out parade rooftop carpark..and it was like so empty..i think it can be our dance floor next year..LOL..bt too bad..there's guard patroling there..after that..i went home and sleep for few hours before going to Liyuen house for her farewell party..haihh..sad..she's leaving to Singapore for study..in a boarding school...bout 6smtg i was on9-ing..and Kyan called me..LOL..she asked me whr am i..and i say i was on9-ing..LOL..den i went for my dinner while watching Independance Day..LOL..i went for bath after dat..den i went Liyuen house at bout 8..LOL..i reached her house..and her house was like so many people..LOL..den i went in..and saw her and Kyan..LOL..then we went in her living room..we were like listening to trance and techno~da atmosphere was like we were clubbin..hees^^...we were dancing lik hell..LOL..sudd her bro's friends all came in too..to have the fun..then all of us sit down..and stop dancing..mayb dere's some unknown deree.so don't really dare to dance..hahaa..bout 9smtg..me,Kyan and Apple decided to start drinking..since Kyan can't sleepover and she's going back soon..so we went and take 3 cans of Calrsberg beer..we were drinking n drinking..non-stop~LOL..den it was our 2nd can..we drink non-stop..and we started to get HIGH abit..and drunk abit..abit only..LOL..den her mum bring in few bottles of Heinken beer..we took 1 bottle..and we shared among all of us..LOL..me,Kyan,Liyuen,Peiyee,Apple,Amelia,Soongyi and lots more shared the bottlee..bt actually it was me,Kyan,Apple and Liyuen drink the most..my whole face was lyk so red..hahaa..we were drunk till everyone dance without fear..LOL..me and Kyan was breakdancing theree..LOL..it was like so fun breakdancing dere..cx of it atmosphere..wheeee~we start practicing our breakdance yday nitee while we were drunk!!LOL..crazee ryte?we drank till bout 11 and we stopped..cx Kyan gotta go back.and we were like all so drunk..especially me,Kyan and Apple..dat nite were the most happiest party i ever been..hees^^..everyone dismissed..and suddenly my nose started to bleed..LOL..mayb it's bcx im too HOT..LOL..dey all were lik so frightened..hahaa..later on..i starting to have some terrible headache..LOL..we went in her room..to talk..we gossip alot..LOL..pillow talk is usually lidet ryte?xD..we were lik gossiping till bout 12 smtg..and we decided to go down to watch some horror movies..we found Exorcist Of Emily Rose..we was like all so sked..cx it was lik so late at nite..hahaa..just after the show has started for a few miniutes..me,Liyuen,Amelia and Apple decided to eat something..LOL..we went and cook maggi mee..hahaaa..we were like chatting whilee eating..LOL..we chat till almost 2..and we decided to went back to her room..to chat..Apple went back to watch her moviee..LOL..so it was like left me,Amelia,Peiyee and Liyuen only..LOL..den bout 3...Apple and Soongyi came in..and we started our ghost stories..LOL..we talked till dnu wad timee..some of them are sleepy..so some of them went and sleep first..and later on..me,Apple and Peiyee were like so bored..and we chat bout ballet and other dance..bt it was totally funny and hilarious!.LOL..we were like laughing like a mad person..sudd Peiyee and Apple so energetic..until we were like dancing dere..hahaaa..until Amelia say that we were too noisy till she can't sleep..so well..we were like talking so soft..and giving hand language..LOL..sudd dat Amelia say..'hahahahaa...u all very noisy laa..hahhaa.."..we were like..huhh??we din talked and u say us nosiy..crazzyyy ar u..LOL..den at last everyone slept..i shall continue dis in my new post..=]..dere's some pictures for the day..=]

Kyan,Apple and Me.=]

My Bro With The Heineken and Me.LOL

All DRUNK!=]
Kyan,Apple and Me.=]
My Bro With The Heineken and Me.LOL
All DRUNK!=]
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