welll..wake up todayy..den went to ipoh garden south to have our lunch dere..later on..my bro n his fren bought k770i too~!!!LOL..dey bought at my dad fren shop today..oso located at ipoh garden south..LOL..Kristal Sales & Service Sdn.Bhd.LOL..we were in dat shop for almost 2 hours ++ cx dey were lik busying checking out otha fone~LOL..at last dey decided to buy k770i..bt dey chuz da metalic bronze..cx dey say mine[ultraViolet]lik GAYY~!!!argh~!!!hate dem~..itz so SPECIAL kayy?LOL..i bought it for almost RM1200+RM70[512mb memory card]..bt dem..dey bought for RM1150 and if wanna buy 1GB memory card is only RM100!!!!my bro scolded me..LOL..he say da diff is oni RM30 bt it is 1GB memory card..LOL..bt itz ady past..how can i chg it?=[..LOL..

dis is da fone dey bought.dis colour.=]
so my bro,cuz n his fren went to yik foong while me,my parents and aunty went to TESCO[aunty shopping place]LOL..itz was lik damn bored bt luckily my baybeee zhuuu msging wif me..yii~!!!*happy*=]..dat time she was in a saloon rebonding her hairr..LOL..so afta have some grocery bought in TESCO..we went to jj..LOL..unfortunately,deres were no carpark for us..as in dere were fully-packed by ppl buying christmas stuff..[CHRISTMAS IS COMING SOON!]LOL..at last..god gave us a car park..LOL..sudd suchi msg me..asking me got hang out anot?and i was in jj i replied her..LOL..den she was in black canyon..and i went to find her..LOL..and she was wif bella and jean yean[nt sure of her name spelling..sorry..i forgot..LOL..]..so i sat down wif dem..suchi was waiting for her baobei issac..LOL..at last her baobei called her and ask her directions..and im da one who is telling da direction..LOL..cx her dear was from KL..LOL..so we have a walked first..i was walking wif suchi~while bella n jean dnu go whr ady..LOL..i n her were standing at da staircase near da food court dere..LOL..and i saw baybee zhuu friends..if im not mistaken..it was flora i tink..LOL..so her baobei called and asked her go sushi king..LOL..so we went togetha as bella n jean came n join us again..LOL..afta meeting up wif her issac..left me,jean n bella oni..LOL..we saw many ppl dere..LOL..desmond,jee an,yen chiew n lots more..LOL..we went here n dere..n da photo machine dere..LOL..we take some picturess..den walk again..LOL..cam-whore...walkk..n blahblahblah..LOL..we went to mcD cx doly was on her break time..LOL..at last i went gtg..cx dad msg me as dey were finish deir shopping..LOL..so i went bk..i planned to slp actualyy..bt at last i end up playing game in my fone..LOL..Age Of Empires..hahaha..later dat..my bro came bek..n have some chat wif him~LOL..den have our mcD sambil "ber-sah fah chiong" wif my mum..LOL..after dat i went in my room and kyan called me to on9 to accompany her play games..LOL..and my dear send me her pictures of her hair..haha..nice highlight she got~LOL..she went tuition*sad*..=[..so i went playing games wif kyan..and we stopped to planned bout our AIR-BREAKER..hees^^..later on MAD join us in msn conversations..and we planned together~wheeee~!!!all the plan were settle..we gonna do it on*secret*...LOL.keep it as SECRET~haha..TOP-SECRET for AIR-BREAKERs..LOL..gila larr..xD..so later on..every1 off ady~my baybeee zhuu oso off dee..dis is my 2nd time writing dis blog~cx my comp jam just now~!!!argh~!!!*sad case*LOL..b4 dat..my bro sudd came in my room..and searched all over the place for my mic n the WIG~the wig is not mine kayy!?!!dun misund!!it was just a wig for my hairstyling course..ishhh~LOL..he wear da wig..hold da mic..without clothes..bt wif pants..LOL..in front of my mirror..and sang~he act as NICKELBACK,BEEGEES and PONDAN of cx..LOL..he lip-synch BEEGEES.."How Deep Is Your Love"..LOL..i recoreded it..bt im not gonna upload it as i duwan him to LOSE FACE..LOL..asif~actualy~im LAZIE~u can check out his videos in youtube..search for DA MACHAZ..he n his frens pretend as BSB lip-synching GET DOWN..LOL..it was funny and hillarious~LOL.check it out~!well..itz enough for today..gotta had my slp now..my PANDA EYES is getting worst man~cant face ppl ady~LOL..sayonara~oyasumi nasai~!!!loveee my baybeee zhuuu@sor zhuuu...mwahhhhh!!!=]
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