well..wake up today at bout 10am..set alarm for myself..so dat i can wake up and go jj to meet my baybeee~!!!bt when i woke up..dere were none of her message..all oso Xmas message sent by my frens..i was lyk.haihh..none of those message is from her.*sad*..den i went and wash my hair..LOL..cx itchy..mayb itz bcx i put too many wax on my hair ady.LOL..after washing my hair..i cam-whore in a wet look..LOL..advertising the shampoo that i was using..Clear Man..LOL..macam wanna impersonate Rain..LOL..well..wrting this while listening to a recording between me n bii on the fone..LOL..so happy lsitening all thesee..just recorded..hees^^..she's going to thailand tomorrow liaoo..haihh..well back to afternoon firstt..so i message her.bt she din reply..bt den..she off her fone..i was lyk..haihh...when are you gonna on ur fone bk..haihh..i waited so long till 12.32pm she called me..she just wake up..and i was outside da house dat time.getting ready to go out..waiting for my dad to start the enginee..den she say she cant go cx no1 fetch herr..and sumoree mum dun lett..sobbie..i was lyk so sad..and she decided to ask her mum one more timee..so she hanged up the call..den she message me and say..still cant..i was lyk so down dat timee..den me n my parents went to jj..we were looking for carpark..can't find one..even da rooftop were fulled of cars..haihhh..so my dad decided to leave jj..i was lyk..haihh..nvm laa...bii oso dn go..sumroe Kyan and Khong dating..no use being lightbulb dere..so we went to have our lunch behind the tesco..dnu wad new shop deree...i ate chicken rice..bt i was lyk no mood..sleeping on the tablee.xD..den my mum asked me..ur fren waiting for u in jj??Den i say nvm laaa...haihhh..den after we ate finish our lunch..my dad head back to jj..and i was lyk..shocked..den my dad dropped me in jj..he say 3pm go bk kay?and he gave me rm10 to spend je..chehhh..LOL..so i went walking around da whole jj looking for dat Kyan..i message her..but den she din reply me..argh~!!!..so i went walkin and walking...till Choko message me..she was in jj too..bt wif her mum and her sisters in Black Canyon having their lunch..so i decided to find dem laterr..i was walking and i met up with Cassandra,Anne,Leroy,Cheedi and Leroy's Sis..so i were like talking with Cassandra and den follow dem to McD..den we sat down..and have some chats..Desmond came..LOL..dey were like teasing him and Cassandra..hahaa..after that we went supermarket..cx Cassandra wanna eat again..after eating her Fish-O-Fillet in McD..LOL..den she bought 1 packet of potato chips..LOL..me,Cheedi,Desmond,Leroy and Leroy's Sis were like standing in the tissue paper section..and were dancing shuffle..LOL..after that we went to capcom..as they wanted to DRIFT..Cheedi ask me to drift with him..bt i don't want to..and he say..cx i lsoe b4 to him..LOL..im not good in drifting kay??hahaa..so Desmond and Leroy drift..Battle Gear 3..den i went to change tokens as i wanna play the Rock Fever..and it's SPOILED..argh~!!!!so i went playing dat FISHING MACHINEE..LOL..i was playing and Leroy,Cheedi and Desmond came and disturb..den dey were like playing..bt everytime oso the line putus..haha..and at last..the line REALLY PUTUS!!!!wakakkaaa..we were lik..shytt..how??!how?!?!den a man saw..and showing all those Fcuking faces..ishhh!!den he went n told da capcom fella dat we spoiled dat machine...ishhh..so we ran away~!!!hhahaaa...after dat dey were lyk sitting on da floor in front of the cinemaa like beggarss..LOL..while i taking pictures of them..wakakkaa..after dat..my parents came to capcom and find me.so i gotta follow my parents now..while their movie almost started.they watched I AM LEGEND..LOL..so i was following my parents..bt they end up in a supermarket...i was lik..ARGH~!!!u say wanna go back..bt now call me follow u all go shopping?!?!and ya..i forgot..i met Choko,Natsumi,Mei and her younger sister..in fornt of the supermarket when i was with Cassandra and Gang..LOL..bt at last..i never talked to her..*sad*..so long never meet her..bt at last din talked at all..so Chris message me as she was in Giordano..having a big sales dere..so i went and find her..den Anne called me..she asked me whr am i..and i say Giordano..so she came and find me wif Cassandra..so we waited for chris bt can't find her in giordano..LOL..so we went secret recipee..and ya..i saw Huihui in capcom photo machine with her friends..it was her burfday yday..on 24th..i forget to wish her..sorry muiz~HAPPY BELATED BURFDAY MY BELOVED MUI!!i owe u a pressie kayy?i promisee^^..and Chris came and find me in Secret Recipe..so we walked together..as dey amke frens so easily..LOL..so we went food court to have some drinks..LOL..den we went and walked..as we saw Chris mum..so i asked her mum can Chris come to my hse tonyte?have some party..[actually dun ahve..just wanna have fun]..LOL..so her mum say see how..see her dad..LOL..so i n Cassandra and Anne walk n walk..den my dad called me..so we were lik walking..and den my dad went in GNC pulakk..aiyoyo..so we walked again..LOL..we tested on doz Christmas Cap..LOL..den took some pictures..kakaa..and we saw Ryan again..LOL..i took a picture wif him..and he looked so VK and i look so NOOB..hahaa..my mum saw him..and my mum asked me alot of questions...swt~=.=|||..and later on i went back..sobbie..den i called my dear..i tought she was angry wif me cx she din reply me..sobbie..den she say she tought im busy pulakk..aiyoyo..so we msg n msg..den i asked her to come my hse at nyte..i wanted to see her badly..b4 she went to thailand..so she asked Khong..den until 8 we planned...i was lyk..i don't tink dey can come..bt Khong told me dat her mum let..i was lyk so SHOCKED!bt i was lyk..Khong come oso bcx of me n Wenyi..Kyan cnt come oso..and i was lyk drinking Shandy dat timee.it was my 2nd can..LOL..so dey came at bout 9..i was lyk..pretending dat the house got party..so i throw 2 pairs of my shoes out the door..2 pairs of my bor shoes out the door..LOL..den they came..i was lyk..so sked to open the door..as Khong mum kinda sensitive on TBz..i was like tieing up my hair..and wear lik a gurll.LOL..den dey came in..i handed my foen to Khong cx Kyan wanted to msg wif her..too bad i left 2 cans of shandy only..so i gave 1 to Khong and 1 more i drink.wakaka..i wanted to open the wine..bt i forgot..sobsob..den we went upstairs..and Khong and Huihui were in my room..playing computer and sms-ing..while i and Wenyi went dating in my parents room..LOL...den after dat we went back to my room..and i wanted my room back..haihh..i feel so guilty actually..making them feel so bored and lonely..im really sorry..i wanna appologize heree..im sorry Khong and Huihui..thank you so muchhh~i appreciate dat.=]..i moved my computer table out to the living room..and dey were outside waiting us.haihhh...while we were dating..sudd..Wenyi fone rang..it was a messagee...LOL..den i asked her who is dat..she say fren..den i ask who?..she say dnu..den i ask again..dnu?den she say is Fishy..den i was lik..o.0...can i see the message..LOL..kinda 8...xD..den she showed..and it was a Christmas message..LOL..i was lyk..today is her bday..got wish?hahaa..den she say got..so ntg happen..as we continue our date..LOL..almost 11 her dad called.and she went bk wif Khong and Huihui..haihhh..im really sorry Khong and Huihui...i feel so guilty actuallyyy..and thank you so muchh for giving me to have the most happy and special Christmas this year..thank you so muchh..=]..dey wentt back..and i went for my bath..afterr datt..i went on9..bt most of the timee on da fone wif Wenyi..she was packing up her things for tomorrow..haihhh..*sad*..i feel so sad...i missed her badly~...den her fone no batt againn...sobbie..i used my hp to call her..den i recorded our conversations..LOL..i was lik so happy..that i can hear her voice every single second with those recordings...hees^^...and she was lik pissed off cx she cant hear it..her MOTORAZR MAXX V6 cant record...LOL..once again..SONY ERICSSON is the best.LOL..den im out of credit again..so we msg only.and now she fall asleep..sobbie..well..gotta wake up early tmr..i wanna message wif her before she reach thailand..so sayonaraa.and goodnyte...loveee u baybeee~~im gonna miss u shooo muchh when you were in thailand..*sad*=[..once again THANK YOU KHONG AND HUI HUI~!!!=]

Me And My Mui..=]

This Is The Results Of People Which Are Damn Boring~xD

I'm Santa Babe!!!xD

This Is How I Wear To Open The Door For Those Princess.xD

Ryan[VK] and Me[NOOB]xD

Model for Clear Man Shampoo.Next Rain..LOL..[JUST JOKING]xD
Me And My Mui..=]
This Is The Results Of People Which Are Damn Boring~xD
I'm Santa Babe!!!xD
This Is How I Wear To Open The Door For Those Princess.xD

Ryan[VK] and Me[NOOB]xD
Model for Clear Man Shampoo.Next Rain..LOL..[JUST JOKING]xD
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