This is my latest best results in XDO for today.
You Make Me Wanna - Normal -Level 7 - 4x speed.
Well, i xdo the whole day. Because I'm so damn bored.
Signing in MSN = USLESS.
So i decided to play xdo the whole day. Whoa.
Till my eyes damn pain & i actually fall asleep during this game with Choko.
LOL.saw the hangus part? lol.
i made it. & it become hangus. lol.
that's my lunch for today. xD
Well, i found 1 old picture. Took during form1. lol.
Let's have a look.
Let's guess.
Purple circle = ??
Red circle = ??
Blue circle = ??
*sorry for the small size of the fonts*and let see this note from my lovely mum.
and notice anything?
she called me KENJI?!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
All about baby, cute. :D
BABY & SELF-ADMIRING, thats all. :D
*sau pei laaaa*
*drum roll*
*drum roll*
*drum roll*
*drum roll*
莞倩 !
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Genre: Music, Drama, Dance
Starring: Jordan Chan Siu Chun, Fan Bing Bing, Poppin Nam Hyun Joon, Pan Xiao Ting
Xing Ao Wei...
Release date:2008
Language: Chinese Mandarin
Subtitle: English
“Kung Fu Hip Hop” is a warm touching story of 3 adults who have bravely pursuing of their dreams and how they overcome all challenges ahead of them in the dancing world. It all starts off with a dance competition which the 3 main characters are taking part in. From there the story continues to show their creativity and passion for music and dance along with what happens in the dance competition. The 3 of them have break through their highs and lows, share their sweat, tears and laughter, together they solved all difficulties and challenges in winning the glory of the title “Dancing King”.
I wanna watch this badly. I MUST! It's just so fucking awesome. It's so cool. All about dancing. There's even Nam Hyun Joon inside, the famous popper in Korea. OMFG! I don't care. I'm gonna watch this movie no matter what. Anyone wanna follow? :D
Contact me.
Dlaznmovies-Latest Movies.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
ADDICTED, that's it for today. :D
I'm so obsessed with electric drums right now. isn't it cool? I just love it so so so much. It happened after i saw my school Tradimode drumming with it. It was like. WOW! the beat, the rhythm & it's looks attracted me. OMFG! I tried playing with it today. And i'm so happy. lol. childish right? =XI'm looking for drum lessons. Might be going to Yamaha for course or either there's anyone that can teach me? lol. But i thought about it. If i joined the course, there must be exams & when there's an exam i need to practice & when i need to practice i need a drum.
For sure, my dad won't buy a drum set for me. As he said before. "You can't have a drum set at home. Is so so noisy. " My mum pulak, " You buy for her, you'll regret. We gotta changed those windows everytime she make such a noise with it." -.-
He said before, you want then you go for guitar lessons than drum. T.T
Look at these drums. OMFG!
Finally,i told that person. And i'm not confused anymore.
Whee~ I'm just so happy. LOL.
That person say that she don't like my last post.
apalah. ish. lol.
well. nothings gonna happen anymore. back to normal.
I'm eating fruit salad made by my mum. *yummy*
When y'all read this post, y'all must be thinking.
hmm. "amelia wanna diet ar?OMG!" right? lol.
and i'll answer. "yes, i do. are you jealous?" lol. just joking.
well, i'm fat. i hate the height & weight of mine. is just too abnormal. lol.
first, i'm short. second, i'm fat. ARGH!
I'm confused. what can i do?
i'm just out of my mind.
i just can't believe that this will happen in a sudden. why?
can anyone tell me why? i just don't want this feeling back. aiks.
i can't tell that person. i can't let that person know.
i'm just so confused. i tried to act as nothing happen but i just can't.
i tried to talk to that person but. i will just look other place.
what if that person know about it? will that person avoid? hate? me.
i'm confused.
This song can represent my feeling.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Can say that i went out the whole day. Until 2am. LOL.
Now,Let's the pictures do the talking. Hell much of pictures. xD
First stop : Jusco.MOLESTER!
Second stop : iNFiNiTY
Michael,Shaun & Zhengyu fetched us there.LOL.
Third stop : Meru Valley. Shan Yuen's Birthday Party.
They fetched us there too.
Puimun is my one-day gf for that night. HEE.Stylist everywhere. xD
Fourth stop : Rum Jungle.
They fetched us there too. yeah~We ordered two buckets. xD
Chris was abit drunk & Jojo too. LOL. I'm so steady aite. Just abit high. LOL.
Zhengyu make me cheers with him. That's why i so fast get HIGH! xD
At last, we fetched Chris home first. Then Jojo and at last me.
Feel damn guilty because i make them u-turn back cause i left my phone in their car. =X
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Being tagged by EYEBAG & SENGHOO. >.<
People who tagged me -.- :
Senghoo & Junting. -.-
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the game the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time : 10:48pm
Name : Amelia Lim Hsu Fern
Sisters : none.
Brothers : 3 elder brother.
Shoe size : 7/8
Height : 166/167 cm
Where do you live : Fair Park
Favourite drinks : Honey Lemon Tea & Milk. :D
Favourite breakfast : Milk. :D
Have you ever been on a plane : No. -.-
Swam in the ocean : Yup.
Fallen asleep in school : at least a period a day. lol.
Broken someone's heart : i think so. bonnie should know who say i broke her heart. >.<>.< style="font-style: italic;">
What's right beside you : piles of books.
What is the last thing you ate : McDonalds & Big Apple Donut. :D
Ever had ;
Chicken pox : yup. when i was a baby. >.< style="font-weight: bold;">Do you ;
Believe in love at first sight : yes i do. between me & baby. :D
Like picnics : not really. the weather is SO hot here. -.-
Who was, were the last person ;
you danced with : MiKO.
Last made you smile : baby girl. :D
You last yelled at : Jojo chai. LOL.
Today did you ;
Talk to someone you like : yes! is LOVE not like. hee. :D
Kissed anyone : no.
Get sick : most of the time. yeah. i'm weak.
Talk to an ex : yeah.
Miss someone : Yess.
Eat : duhh. -.-
Best feeling in the world : being in love. have a lot of money. :P
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : yeap. my doggie from Amanda.
What's under your bed : nothing. except i tried before having super ring bits under my bed. :P
Who do you really hate : last time i do. now. nope.
What time is it now : 10:55pm
5 things i was doing 10 years ago
1. studying in a kindergarten.
2. damn girlish.
3. mum bath for me. :P
4. mushroom head. -.-
5. playing with my imaginary friend i think. LOL.
5 things on my to-do list today
1. Sleep
3. Homework
4. Eat. of course.
5. Dream.
5 snacks i enjoy
1. Nips chocolate
2. SuperRing
3. Marshmallows
4. Cadbury Chocolate
5. Choki-choki
5 things i would do if i were a billionaire
1. Get a bigger house. mansion. xD
2. Bring my parents to shop what they want.
3. I would buy a fashion street in Japan. LOL.
4. Get myself or my brothers a nice car.
5. eat. haha.
5 of my bad habits
1. i like to say foul languages. *i wanna change* >.< style="font-weight: bold;">5 places i have lived in
1. fair park. i lived when i was born till now.
2. my brother condo in KL.
3. people's house. friends.
4. relatives house.
5. Hotels & school. -.-
5 people i'm tagging is
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I feel like dying .
I feel like dying. Upon some reasons i wouldn't like to share it out. All I'm gonna do is just keep it to myself like usual.
FYI, I'm not signing in MSN these few weeks nor update my blog or friendster. Anything contact me through phone.
XDO makes me happy. Especially playing with friends. Really can make me feel relax. Whenever I'm down, XDO is always there for me.
For these few weeks, Kenji is dead.
Monday, July 14, 2008
This is the picture of my gastby collection. LOL.
This is why i let my mum scold for keeping 'rubbish' in my drawer. ARGH!nice?LOL. i love them ! :D
Let see.
Uhmm, i took a picture which i follow my baby's pose. hee. but i'm not as hot as her, not as cool as her, not as beautiful as her. is just so ugly. =[
Lets take a look.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
RULE1 : Each player of this game starts of with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged have to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No TAG backs!
1.I would love to sleep for 24hours. =X
2.I wanted to be as cool as DBSK but is impossible. xD
3.I'm scared of spiders & ants. =X
4.I always dance whenever i am.No matter in supermarket,room,carpark,bathroom,toilet or some other places. =X
5.I like to act as a clown. =X
6.I love to collect hair wax.Especially Gatsby hair wax.I have more than 10 in my cupboard & i just get scolding from my mum about this. =X
7.I love my hair like fuck.I said."Don't ever touch my hair" =X
8.I love to bully kids. xD
9.I love to sleep in the class.Is my hobby. xD
10.I can eat as much as i can.I love eat but i ain't fat. xD
Went to school today.
Meeting up with JUNTiNG,my beloved eyebag & MiKO.
I saw CHRiS,CHiAX & MENGFOONG at the guard house.
Sitting there reading some stuff.
So i went in and in and i saw my JUNTiNG!
We went to the hall and sat there while watching juniors practicing their dance.
Then my syok-sendiri dance came.I breakdancing myself like an idiot coming out from nowhere. LOL.
I send so many messages to MiKO but she didn't even reply once.
I waited till 9 something only she replied.
She say she fall asleep and she forget to wake up.ISH.
At 10,JUNTiNG gotta go already. SOBX.
So me,KENSHiN & iNTAN & other fellas went to parade for lunch.
After lunch,we meet up with MiKO at parade.
She followed us back to school and dance.
We dance till 1 and we went home. =X
I went to my granny house and i slept there.
Damn tired.
Went back and online.
Online till dinner time.
Went to Shatin for our dinner.
*makan makan makan makan*
Went back and online again.
Went XDO-iNG with JUNTiNG. :D
Until 11.30pm.
Called my girl awhile.
Chatted and we went to sleep.
*signing out*
Saturday, July 12, 2008
As usual.went to school again.pass XDO dvd to JUNTiNG. :D
Nothing much happen in school.
The only thing happen is i have SHUFFLE FEVER partners.
I'm known as SHAH.MengFoong known FUR.Chris known as FEVER. xD
We shuffle back to our class from canteen. xD
Is tiring.
During BM period,me,MengFoong,Chris,Sheriza,YokeMei & LaiKuan went to PKHEM's room for our aural test.Puan.Authar is our ex-english teacher.Now,Mr.Gee who takes the place.-.-
One by one went in her room.LaiKuan went in first.
While me & MengFoong & Sheriza & Chris dancing & singing outside her room. xD
First song.
S H E R I Z A : when the night has gone~
M E :*ooohh*whenthenightisgone*~~~
E V E R Y O N E : lalalala~~~[forget lyrics dee]
E V E R Y O N E : ohh.darlin darlin darlin.stand by me.ohhhh.stand by me.~~~
Second song.
M E N G F O O N G & C H R I S : and i swear~
M E & S H E R I Z A :*and i swear*[background voice]
M E N G F O O N G & C H R I S : by the moon & stars till it dry.
M E & S H E R i Z A : *dry*~
Third song.
M E N G F O O N G : touch my body~~~put me on the floor~~~ahhh~~
HAHAHHAA.finally,is my turn for the aural.I talked about breakdance.LOL.
After my aural,me & MengFoong dance ballet.xD
Everyone looking at us as if we're some kind of retards there.
Fourth song.
We went to sudut bacaan.We danced tango,latin,ballet & much much more.
We really played like hell today.
Actually,we're just wasting time not to enter BM class.
At last,we went back for BM last period.And i don't know what's happening that time.
I think they doing rumusan.
Teacher asked me to give the kesimpulan.And i gave.
Then blahs.
Joey ask teacher is it she LIKE me anot.xD
I stayback.Actually,i gotta go meet Miko in Kopitiam at 1.15 after my dismissal.
But i ended up in sickroom with LENGLUi[you know who are you.] & YokeMei. xD
At last, i went Parade at 1.35.LOL.She was sitting alone in Kopitiam.*kesian*
We have a drink.Then we walk to the toilet where i saw LianChing & Moon.
Later on,went and find JiunLi in SushiKing.Chatted awhile.
Breakdancing at K-Box there.xD
Guard came and we boosh~!
So we went to Imax to play XDO.
Play till 4.30.We went foodcourt and bought something to eat.
I bought Crepe while Miko bought her SaiMaiLou & Fried Rice.
We went for a look on t-shirts.
Then i bought ThaiLaksa for my mum.her favourite. :D
Went back at 5.30.suppose is 5 but my parents forget. -.-
Bath.Slept.Woke up.Eat.*cant online cause of stupid connection*
I have a talk with my girl.about the something.through the phone.yea.we both cried.I confess everything out from my heart.And in a sudden the call ended.Because of her house phone lack of battery.
So well,finally i can online.the connection came alive.JUNTiNG finally install the XDO.!!! :D
I teached her some basic & we played together for awhile.
Finally,i have someone who accompany me in that game. :D
I called my girl later.We have a talk.Nice talk.Become sweeter after our heart-to-heart session.LOL.I sang some songs to her.Actually,I'm just bersyok-sendiri.LOL.
This is called the power of LOVE. :D
Until now,i writing this blog.And now is finish.Thankyou & Byebye. xD
*signing out*
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I Hope.
Nothing really special happen today.Except Bonnie's sister,Amanda asked me to teach breakdance.LOL.actually,not she asked but Bonnie who suggested my name to first,i really thought that Amanda is those sombong type actually.LOL.sorry for thinking you like that.But after talking with her,i can see that she's those happy-go-lucky-friendly type. :D
During recess,Chris & me went to Primary Hall to see Laiyen's group dancing.While we watch,we dance along.LOL.thinking that we are in some sort of clubbing places again.LOL.Later on,taught Amanda some easy steps.
Went back to class.As usual.During BM period again!!!!!!That B I T C H called me for 15 times again.And make me damn angry today.I wasn't in a good mood during her period.She asked us to form a group of 4 or 5.And then we formed.I was talking to Chris about *something happens* and suddenly that B I T C H asked me to change group.
F C U K E D !
I push the chair and took my things out of the bag.and this is our conversation.
B I T C H : kenapa AMELIA selalu nak melawan cikgu?
M E : tak de la.mood tak baik hari ini.
B I T C H : mood tak baik so nak lepaskan kat cikgu ye?
M E : tak de la.tak de lepaskan kat cikgu.*walking to the other group*
B I T C H : kelas.kita tak boleh buat apa-apa dengan tengok mood kita.kalau cikgu ajar dengan berdasarkan mood saya.suka-suka cikgu pukul awak.macam mana?
M E : *doing faces behind* xD
I feel damn F C U K E D U P!
I went to toilet.and i spend my time breakdancing with Laiyen & Junting[my beloved eyebag] xP
I went back up and listen to her blahs. -.-
Chris,Chia & me stayback.Actually,we stayback for something but at last it didn't happen.So we went and eat & finish our homework.*except for me.LAZY*xD
I bought my moving rubber today!!yeahhh~is WILD SHAKE!PURPLE in COLOUR!Planning to buy SPIKY EDGE,PINK & LOOSE SHUFFLE,ORANGE! :D
And i cried today in class.*because of something related to someone i love*
Actually,i feel disappointed.But it's maybe I'm sensitive.I don't really wanna think about it.But i just can't control myself.I hope she's gonna understand my feeling soon.
*special topic continues*
I told Bonnie what happen.And she told me many stuff bout the someone.And i received her comment's not angry at me?while i thought so.or she read my blog?
*signing out*
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday,7 July 2008.
Absent from school. :P
Tuesday,8 July 2008.
Nothing much else to say.Went to tuition with Chiax at 5pm.Waited for MISS CHRIS.=.= When she arrived,we were shocked.She wore like she's going out for a walk or dinner or whatever.HAHAHA.She wore a green blouse,so do we. :D [we planned it] and a long blue skirt & not to be forgotten,a shades.=.= xD
We took some pictures before tuition.*siao* [cam-whoring]
After tuition.Leon make a frontflip infront of his mother.=.=
He's actually sengaja doing it.
Wednesday,9 July 2008.
Back to Puan.Salina's class again.
I feel lucky for not going to school on Monday because having BM class on that day.Phew~
Tuesday don't even have her period.Whee~
And today.=.=
Luckily,is only 1 period with her.She crap again.And she called MeiTheng[Mabel] as MEITHONG! HAHHAHAHHAHA.xD
We were discussing about the Sajak-Aku Menjadi Lebih Berani.She even called me out infront of the class.And I'm actually writing the numbers of time she called my name.And she asking me what I'm writing.She thought is was berjudi.=.=
She asked me to pose like a GIRL and then asked the class what they think about me when I first came in the class.Some say i was funny and even some say i sesat sekolah.=.=
And that teacher say that I'm from SAMTET.=.=|||!!
And today she called me 15 times.All together from my last post is already 56 times.=.=|| *whatever*
And ya.i forgot bout this.During Moral period,Pn.Fairuz was talking about the keagamaan & so on.She even changed my name into a malay name.that is.
-Amelia Lim binti Abdullah Lim- =.=
and i changed PuiMun's name into.
-Pui Mun binti Abdullah Jamluddin Chan- xD
*special topic*
I think that someone is angry at me now.she didn't even reply my comment already.aiks.maybe i asked some wrong question and she thinks it was me who involved in that question.but i certainly don't.but maybe i can say i admire her?or only friends?i don't really know.confusing.i hope that she's not angry at me.aiks.maybe some of you know who it is.BOKU[bonnie] help me! i don't think that she will know about this.she'll never read my blog.
*signing out*
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Ipoh International Run 2008.
Ipoh International Run is held today btw.LOL.i handed the form but i didn't is all SHIRT no RUN! xD
I handed the form and pay for RM5 is just only because i want the shirt.not to RUN!
I just don't understand how the organizer handle simple stuffs.They'll be expecting more than *i don't know how many* people gonna join.and they say the shirt is out of stock?!
Baby went.but at last she come to my house.hee.and i suppose to wait her outside the road there but i fall asleep. =X
sorry baby.and the run ended at 9 if I'm not mistaken.then i accompany baby back to stadium without my parents permission.hee.we walked back to stadium as stadium is very near to my house.LOL.
We reached stadium and start looking for Khong.and i saw PuiMun.Later,we went to have our lunch at stadium.with Kyan,Khong,ShinWei & CHRIS! xD
And they were actually sharing tables with others while i thought they are their friends.and i kicked their legs. =.=
Baby gotta go back dee.*sad*
After that,i joined ChinLaiYen,Junting & Intan.I have roti planta for my lunch.Pinky joined us later.After our lunch,we went to district.BSM headquarters to look for my sui po. xD
nahh.just Regine.hee.
Sat there for awhile until LaiYen's dad came.I followed her car back.After my bath,LaiYen cycled to my house.And we played Highstreet5.LOL.She was playing & I was sleeping at the sofa.LOL.At last she went home.
After she went home,i have my nap.until....
8pm! xD
I woke up and message baby.and have my dinner.
Now,writing this blog.hee.
Sorry Junting.I'm sleeping.xD
too bad you're not online-ing now. =X
Not gonna update much this weekdays.Unable to online as mum will nag.
*signing out*
And i just remix a new song because of some stupid reason.AIKS.
I don't really know what to write today.out of usual.i went to school for BSM meeting.Bulan Sabit Merah.nothing much to do during the meeting.all i do was messaging with my girl.hee.i accompany SuetFay to buy some mee goreng for her class party.==
After meeting,me & Regine went to GoldVision to buy a cake for her birthday today. :D
We celebrated with her in school.
Breakdance time with Kenzo a.k.a ChinLaiYen.
Went home at 1.went to my granny house for lunch.cooked by my brother,Alan.he cooked cold soba.a japanese type of food.
sorry MABEL for spelling your name wrong.I'm gonna change it.LOL.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Another awful day in school.nothing much happen in school actually.
but during Puan.Salina BM class again.she's just so damn irritating.annoying offense.
today.i counted again.and she called me 17 times today.less than yesterday.all together for today & yesterday is 41 times. =.=
Doing rumusan in her class.i finished & i passed it up to her.but but but.she threw my book back to me.i was!=.=
wth i did?and she say i wrote the wrong format.eventhough i write wrong you can at least tell me in a more polite way right?B I T C H !
After school,i went straight to my granny eldest bro,Alan is coming back.ate some porridge cooked by my uncle.yummy!his cooking is the best among all of our family members.hee.and i'm still in my pinafore.ouhh.
went to take a new birth certificate for my bro.he lost it.after that we went to Syuen discuss about my brother's wedding plan and background and all those stuffs.waited so long there.playing with lil Jocelyn.we went to my dad friend's is actually like a hotel.he rent it just to friends.not to strangers.and it was nice.wi-fi is available there too.HAHAHA.
we went and have our dinner.i and Adrian,my cousin brother talked about online games & so last,i went home and take a warm bath. :D
now,my parents and my brother went out clubbing. =.=
*signing out*
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Topic for today is,Puan.Salina BM class. ==
no offence.i just hate it damn was the first time i enter her class.and she's been picking on me.she even pinched me!fuck her!
because i say a word 'berak' and it means shit. then she pinch me.and say i'm not polite enough.
she even scolded me for sitting my way of sitting.i like laa.
she even scolded me for lying down on the table while writting.
mabel,my class rep asked me to count how many times she's been calling my name.
so i counted.
and for 2 period of her fucking bm class.
she called me for 24 times.
i just can't imagine how am i gonna survive in her class for the rest of my form4 life!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Stupid blog!i put color fonts but it came out some color some black!
Open Day&Shopping Spree! :D
today was my school open day.where all parents came to know about their children's kelakuan & results in's really damn menyusahkan.LOL.the open day starting at 10.30pm-1.30pm.i thought that teachers wont be teaching today but they teach.==
i ponteng EA class and went breakdancing with Keiyan while Jojo & Chris were talking bout their stuff in the hall.
Is already time for the parents to arrive.Many parents came just on time.the first parents i saw is Chiax & Chris mum.i waited for so long for my mum arrival.but she haven't come yet.i wait till almost 12 only she reached with my aunty.we waited quite long.our number was 24 and that time is only 17.AIKS.and the teacher keep blahblah-ing.
At last is our turn.i was so worried that Puan.Ng gonna tell my mum that i sleep in her Science class for a few i admitted it to my mum before our turn came.and to my surprise,she didn't even mentioned anything about sleeping but only to mention i'm ACTIVE in class.HEE.can't sit properly.need to walk around.& blahblahblah.
My results improved but my mum was not really satisfied with it.because i failed my addmaths on the marks 25.passing marks was fault.who asked me never study hard? :C
We went parade after open day and meet up with my dad doesn't want to enter my school.don't know whats the reason actually.LOL.Went for lunch in foodcourt.Parents complained the food was expensive with taxes and was not delicious.Went searching for my clothes for my brother's wedding.We went Hip-Hop Arena and tried out a few.but my dad doesn't like it.So we went Shibuya.And none of it suits me.except it's skinny jeans.I met up with HER in kopitiam.I managed just to look at her for awhile,talk awhile and i gotta go.AIKS!i miss her badly. =[
We went to YikFoong.We parked our car in the basement and tried to take a lift up.but the lift doesn't move at we took the staircase.We went to the ground floor shop which i don't know it's hard to pronounce actually.LOL.We spend most of our time there.looking for a vest & tops suitable for last i found one.i tried many tops&bottoms there.finally,i bought a black vest & white long-sleeves & a suspender & a polkadot bow & a red tie.My dad even asked me to buy that locking hat that MIKO adores so freaking much.HAHAHHA.but i didn't want it.waste of money if i buy it just for that wedding.i can't wear it to any shopping complex.people will think i'm crazy if i wore that.LOL.
After that,we went to Jusco.
We went G2000.but we didn't bought anything yet.we went up to & my dad & my mum & my aunty were choosing our tops.i tried out a few long-sleeves.and at last i bought two.a black long-sleeves & a pink stripes long-sleeves. :D
my dad bought a white mum bought a t-shirt i think.LOL.
We went to Big Apples Donuts for our tea-time.Whee~we ordered the promotion a coffee/tea free a DONUT! xD
i asked for an apple tea while my mum & aunty ask for a cappuccino and we get 3 *forgot what's name* donut for FREE!
After that we went back to G2000 and i tried out a was the LADIES SECTION.LOL.just trying out.not gonna buy anymore.spend so much already.but i'm targeting on those skinny jeans in gonna buy for bought 2 long-sleeves & a tie while my aunty bought a slacks.
We went to the supermarket to buy some groceries.Alex,my third bro called me.He asked me to buy him WANTED movie tickets.I went up and bought the two stupid tickets.*why am i stupid helping him?* LOL.
We went for dinner in East.After dinner we went back home.I'm so tired & sleepy.i even remember i slept in Jusco outside Padini at the bench just now.LOL.
Well,I'm right here now.Gotta catch up with my homeworks.addmaths & modmaths.
*signing-out*My mum took this picture for me. :D
This was the pink stripes long-sleeves. :D
This was the suit i tried. :P
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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