Here's a simple game.
Answer all the questions below and tag 5 people.
Rules: You cannot answer the questions by repeating the previous answers, example:
5 facts
1. I hate cats
2. bla
3. ya
4. da
5. wah
5 secrets
1. meh
2. loh
3. I hate cats
4. duh
5. ditto
State 5 facts of yourself that people know.
1. I love to go clubbing. xD
2. I love to DANCE ! *everyone knows that*
3. I love to cam-whore. xD
4. I love to sing.
5. I love to act cute. HAHAHA.
State 5 facts of yourself that people don't know
1. Everyone thinks that I'm a proud person but when you know me, I'm not kayy ?
2. I dislike people who thinks they are cool,cute,pretty and so on and started to boast around and giving bad comments to people and i dislike myself too. cause i thinks that i'm cute. bwahahaha.
3. I dislike bitches ! That's for sure. People who wants fame and money.
They lied cause of fame and money. That's what i call BITCH !
4. I dislike people gossiping something not true about me. If you don't know anything then just shut the fuck up.
5. Well, people can avoid me now. Cause i'm gonna tell something. Facts that people really don't know. I bath only once in a day, sometimes when i'm super duper lazy. =P
* since i wrote this, everyone knows about the 5 facts, so what for you wrote there 5 facts that people don't know.damn =.= || xD*
State 5 bad behaviours of yourself
1. I have bad temper.
2. I say a lot of bad words. A LOT !
3. I love to scold people for no reason.
4. I lie to my parents.
5. There's alot of bad behaviours about me. xDD
State 5 good sides of you
1. i love my friends. bwahhaha.
2. i love my girlfriend. =DD
3. i care for my friends.
4. i have no idea.
5. i have no idea ! xDDNow tag 5 people!
1. TsuPing.
2. Chiax.
3. Junting.
4. Chris.
5. Puimun.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tagged by Ding.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Family Pictures. =D
Finally, we got our fammily pictures taken from the studio.
There's only four pictures and it cost rm600++.
LOL.Standing ; Andrew ; Amelia ; Alan ; Audrey ; Alexander
Sitting ; Mum and Dad.Standing ; Andrew ; Alexander
Sitting ; Audrey ; AlanHusband & Wife.
Standing ; Alan ; Audrey ; Amelia ; Andrew ; Alex
Sitting ; Mum & Dad.
Well, that's my lovely family.
All A's ! xD
Love them to the max !
&& i know that i'm the only one not wearing any grad robe.
But beware, I'm gonna wear it one day. xD
Saturday, December 27, 2008
1. Upload 3 pictures of yourself that you find sexy/cute.
2. Not necessarily revealing, even a picture of you smiling will do.
3. Describe why you find those pictures sexy.
4. Tag 5 of your sexy friends.I dnu why but i feel this is sexy. HAHAHA.
This is cute+sexy. HAHAHA.
I love this. This is cute. haha.
Tagging ;
Anyone who feels like doing it. =D
Jusco outing ;
Went to Jusco again. =.=
Actually, i never planned to go Jusco today.
But because of that JOJOCHAISIEWTHENG, she forced me.
Early in the morning, she called me. I thought what's so important.
It's all because she's asking Jeremy out && if I'm not going Jeremy's grandpa not gonna let him out.
I'm so freaking tired and sleepy.
At last ,we went and meet up with Jojo.
Walked around and planned to go to Parade by cab.
Went to Parkson and accompany Jeremy to buy a perfume.
We choose those perfumes for quite long.
At last, he bought Calvin Klein for RM207 i think.
After that, we went to Kopitiam for yumcha.
&& i saw Tsuping with her sis and PeiYee and lots more.
Talked to her for awhile and went out.
After yumcha, we went Map to buy a DIY skin for my phone.
Since it's so cheap and nice.
Intro by PeiYee. LOL.
Bought 1 and we went to 100 yen shop to look for Kent.
Waited for Kelvin to fetch us.
Went back and i have my sleep because i'm not feeling well.
Planned to go out at night but at last canceled.
Cause of transportation problems.
&& this is how i pimped my phone ! LOL.LOL !
* i 'm not in a good mood now. i repeat once again. i dislike people stop replying my message or even late replied. *
Friday, December 26, 2008
Actually, today me and Chia gotta go to Genting but don't know why in a sudden is canceled. LOL.
So we went to Jusco with Jeremy and Jojo and Ron and Kent.
Meet up with TsuPing && she's with her friends so i went off.
PuiMun came and we have our lunch at Kopitiam.
After our lunch, we went up and have a snooker game.
After a few pokes, suddenly, Jojo,Ron & Kent lost.
They ffk us. They went down. WTF !
TsuPing meet me at the bowling section.
Talked to her && PuiMun, Chia & Jeremy went down.
Have some crazy times up there.
Later on, she accompany me down to find for Chris.
I saw them in Kopitiam and i hugged Chris so tightly and we shouted as if we haven't seen for ages. LOL.
Well, honestly, i miss her lots ! =D
We went walking around and i left Jeremy with Jojo because she wanted to be with him. =.=
My dad fetch Jeremy back at 5.30pm because he's having dinner with his grandparents and will be joining us after his dinner again.
Camwhore. Camwhore. Camwhore.3 Besties. =D
Love this picture so much. =D
Something happened here. =D
The best christmas present i ever had. =D HEES !
No one gonna know what i'm talking about except a few of my best friends. =]
I messaged Jeremy and told him that we not going to that fun fair because is raining.
But Jojo insisted him to come, so Jojo asked him to come and even waited for him out there. Whoooots !
We went to Nasmir and have our dinner there.
Treated Jeremy. LOL.
After that, we thought of going to the fun fair but it seems is so far away.
So we went back to Jusco and have a game in Capcom.
After awhile, Jojo's mum came and fetched us back.
Pictures ;Jojo love taking pictures with him. xD
What's wrong with that Jeremy, always with his middle finger.
See how Jeremy send to Michael, his gay partner. LOL.
TheFaceShop model.
You see, what i say is true right ? xD
kent ; jo ; jeremy.
There's something so cute about VOONTSUPING.
Her one and only monkey joke !
Diu ; fei gei fei gam fai ; tai tai tai ; tai lan arh.
When she says this, she's so damn cute and with her hand language.
Even Chris and Chia agreed and we have our laugh !
Went to Parade at about 7 something.
Meet up with Jojo and introduce him to Jeremy.
Chia came later.
Brought Jeremy for a walk in Parade, but all he wanted is LV, Gucci, CK, and lots lots more. He wanted branded stuff. WTH. LOL.
Later on, Michael , Jason and MunMun joined us.
Too bad PuiMun and Chris can't join us because of fucking parents problems !
I'm really glad that Jeremy can get along with my friends and those guys.
Whooot ! At first, i thought he's gonna be bored but now i don't think so. LOL.
Went to Cafe De' Coral for my dinner and after that, we went to Monte De' Carlo, Jojo's mum's pub.
And Ron came and joined us too.
Everyone there is uncle and aunties, except us. -.-
But who the hell cares, we have our fun there.
At first we have 2 buckets of Carlsberg opened.
After that, we opened one more bucket and i think is Jeremy's treat. LOL.
Drink drank drunk danced !
That's what we do all night long ! Whooots !
10....9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 ~!!!!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first person i called at 12am is VOONTSUPING !
Wheeeee ! Wished her but seems that she sounds so fuhin.
Because her mum is beside her. ISH !
At first, Jeremy didn't dance at all because he says that he's not HIGH yet.
So Jojo keep making him high. WTH right ? LOL.
Flirting with him and so on.
At last, he went on shuffling on the stage and there's this time me and Jojo went up the couch and dance to the song, Cream - Federico Franchi !
We have fun till, one by one going back. All the fun ones left, especially that stupid Michael. HAHAHA. He's the gay partner for Jeremy. Bwahahha.
Went back at 2am.
Straight away went to bed. HEES.
&& thanks to everyone who send me messages to wish me but i'm totally drunk so i can't replied those messages. forgive me && i love you !
Pictures time !Jocelyn ; Jojo ; Ken
My hot mummy and me. HAHAHA.
See how they mau kai.
They look like beggars and it's the first time for Jeremy to mau kai. xD
MunMun ; Chia ; Ken with little flash sticks. HAHAHA.
First, Jeremy ignore Jojo's flirt.
Second ; see how's Jeremy expressions. HAHAHA.
Look at my drunk face. LOL.
look at my drunk look.
kita dah kahwin ! LOL. joking joking !
i love drinking ! but i can't drink ! with jo and jocelyn.
i don't care what my face looks like when i'm drunk. LOL.
Jeremy ; SMOKE ! YOU SMOKE ! Michael ; NONO ! I don't smoke. LOL.
Perfect match huh ? JUST JOKING !
He's concentrating on his football and same do MunMun. xD
while dancing to Cream.
Michael ; Jeremy ; Ken ; Mun
2 drunk fellas.
Don't take my pic !
Michael ; Ken ; we two look super drunk and blur.
The gay's. XD
Guess who i'm msging with when i'm drunk. LOL.
i love you jo ! =D
&& this is Jeremy side face. -.-
that's all for the eve ! there's a few more pic can't be uploaded cause wrong file format. Gonna upload it soon when i get another copy. =D
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Nothing to blogged actually.
Nothing to blog actually.
No pictures no nothing.
Anyways, went to Jusco today with mum, dad, bro, cousin, Jeremy, uncle and aunty.
My uncle from NewZealand wanted to buy stuffs.
In a sudden, TsuPing says, she's coming.
Whooots ! ^^
Saw her awhile, walk with her awhile with San too.
Then PeiYee and Apple came.
After awhile i gotta go back, because they are heading to TescoExtra.
Boring day i have.
And yeah, i saw Ding and Brandon in Jusco too. LOL.
And Ding wanted to see Jeremy so much ! LOL. See what she wrote in her damn blog.
Tomorrow gonna go countdown with Chia and Puimun and Jess and many more.
I'm bringing Jeremy along. Whooooots !
Going to Jojo's mother pub. LOL.
Someone bought me Mpoint clothes ! Whooots ! Even is for 7days only.
&& i found my xdo dear already. HOHOHO !
Currently, bad things happen to my family.
My eldest bro got an eye injury due to squash.
The ball hits his eye and his vision is not that good right now.
Doctor says that he might have internal bleeding.
Hopes he's alright. Heard his voice before, sounds so weak and moody.
Dad got very worried. Maybe gonna go to KL next week to take a look at him.
&& my eyes is getting worst and worst.
Some might don't know about this.
Some of my friends know.
I don't really know what's happening to my eyes.
Every night, it's gonna be in damn pain.
Veins can be seen, vision became blur, reddish eye, swollen eye.
It's already for weeks.
Gonna see a doctor if it's getting worst.
Pray hard for my bro and me. =[
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tagged by V-TJEN.
Dear V-TJEN ; I don't really know how to tell you this, but our horoscope doesn't match.
I think i realized it when we skinny dipped in your camping car and I saw you sit on the crazy monk. I'm sure you're ashamed enough to understand that extreme makeover sucks.
I'm returning the couch cushions to you, but i'll keep your photo as a memory.
You should also know that I told in my confession today about the apartment building. Your everlasting enemy ; KENJI ! =D
Do the "Letter MEME". Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a comment, informing them that they have been tagged.
Then copy the "How-to" Letter Meme, and finish your Journal entry.Dear ________(the last person who left a comment in your blog/journal):I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___.I think I realized it___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___.I'm sure you're ___6___enough to understand ___7___.I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep___9___ as a memory.You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .___12___,-Your name-Fill in the blanks with choices of answers as below:1. What's the color of your shirt?Blue- Our romance is overRed- Our affair is overWhite- I'll join the monasteryBlack- I dislike youGreen - Our horoscope doesn't matchGrey - You're a pervertYellow - I'm selling myselfPink - Your nostrils are insultingBrown - The mafia wants youNo shirt - You're a loserOther - I'm in love with your sister2.Which is your birth month?January - That nightFebruary - Last yearMarch - When your dwarf bit meApril - When I tripped on sesame seedsMay - First of MayJune - When you put cuffs on meJuly - When I threw upAugust - When I saw the shrunken headSeptember - When we skinny dippedOctober - When I quoted SantaNovember - When your dog ran amokDecember - When I changed tennis shoes3. Which food do you prefer?Tacos - In your apartmentPizza - In your camping carPasta - Outside of ChicagoHamburgers - Under the busSalad - As you ate enchiladaChicken - In your closetKebab - With Paris HiltonFish - In women's clothingSandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduationLasagna - At the mental hospitalHot dog - Under a state of tranceNone of the above - With George Bush and his wife4. What's the color of your socks?Yellow - Hit onRed - InsultBlack - IgnoreBlue - Knock outPurple - Pour syrup onWhite - Carve your initials intoGrey - Pull the clothes offBrown - Put leeches onOrange - CastratePink - Pull the toupee offBarefoot - Sit onOther - Drive out5. What's the color of your underwear?Black - My best friendWhite - My fatherGrey - Bill ClintonBrown - My fart balloonPurple - My mustard souffléRed - Donald DuckBlue - My avocado plantYellow - My penpal in GhanaOrange - My Kid Rock-collectionPink - Manchester United's goalkeeperNone - My John F. Kennedy-statueOther - The crazy monk6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?Scrubs - ManO.C. - EmotionalOne Tree Hill - OpenHeroes - FrostbittenLost - HighHouse - ScaredSimpsons - CowardlyThe news - MongolicIdol - MasochisticFamily Guy - SenileTop Model - Middle-classNone of the above - Ashamed7. Your mood right now?Happy - How awful I've feltSad - How boring you areBored - That Santa doesn't existAngry - That your pimples are at the last stageDepressed - That we're cousinsExcited - That there is no solution to thisNervous - The middle-eastWorried - That your Honda sucksApathetic - That I did a sex-changeAshamed - That I'm allergic to your hamsterCuddly - That I get turned on by garbage menOverjoyous - That I'm openOther - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?White - Your ringYellow - Your love lettersRed - Your Darth Vader-posterBlack - Your tame stoneBlue - The couch cushionsGreen - The pictures from LAOrange - Your false teethBrown - Your contact bookGrey - Our matching snoopy-bibsPurple - Your old lottery couponsPink - How awful I've feltOther - Your memories from the military service9. The first letter of your first name?A/B - Your photoC/D - The oil stocksE/F - Your neighbour MartinG/H - My virginityI/J - The results of your blood-sampleK/L - Your left earM/N - Your suicide noteO/P - My common senseQ/R - Your momS/T - Your collection of butterfliesU/V - Your criminal recordW/X - David's tricot outfitsY/Z - Your grades from college10. The last letter in your last name?A/B - Hate your gutsC/D - Never will forgetE/F - Always wanted to breakG/H - Never openly mockedI/J - Always have felt dirty beforeK/L - Will tell the authorities aboutM/N - Told in my confession today aboutO/P - Was interviewed by the Times aboutQ/R - Told my psychiatrist aboutS/T - Get sick when I think ofU/V - Always will try to forgetW/X - Am better off withoutY/Z - Never liked11. What do you prefer to drink?Water- Our friendshipBeer - SenilitySoft drink - A new life as a cloneSoda - The incarnation as an eskimoMilk - The apartment buildingWine - Cocaine abuseCider - A passionate interest for miceJuice - Oprah Winfrey imitationsMineral water - Embarrassing rashHot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishismWhisky - To ruin the second world warOther - To hate the Boston Celtics12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?Thailand - Warm regardsUSA - Best regardsEngland - Good luck on your short-term leave from jailSpain - Go and drown yourselfChina - Disgusting regardsGermany - With easeJapan - Go burnGreece - Your everlasting enemyAustralia - Greetings to your frog LeonardEgypt - Fuck off nowFrance - In painI TAG:
Monday, December 22, 2008
Outing to JJ ;
Right after lunch, BabyLow came and fetch me at Restoran HanCity since I'm there with my parents.
Went to Jusco && look for Puimun.
She was with EeHang if I'm not mistaken. LOL.
At last, went to Jusco Imax for a game of XDO.Look at my sohai face again. LOL.
Unfortunately, that game can't be played.
So we decided to walk off.
&& you know what.
We gotta pay for sitting there only 3 minutes eventhough we didn't play anything.
And that girl told us ; "Ohh, sini punya online games memang macam tu, tengoklah nasib. Tapi masih kena bayar. "
Went to look for Apple and LiYuan in SushiKing.
I saw Apple's nose piercing.
Talked for awhile and went off to East Imax.
Whoa ~ finally, we can have a game in there.
We played with someone unknown in Imax sitting right infront us.
Well, she don't know who we are but we know cause we curi tengok dia punya computer.
Bwahahaha !
After some games, we went to McD Drive-Thru because i wanted to buy McFlurry Oreos for someone.
=Dsaw ? the person right infront of us. HAHAA.
banyak slow. HAHAHA.
To this wan. LOL. right infront of my school. HAHAHA.
Look at my lougong serious face driving. HAHAHA.
Went to a temple near Parade, something that called Dong Lian Xiao Zhu.
Passed that McFlurry to that person. =D
She should know i'm talking about her.
Whooooots ! =D
At first, she wants me to come and find her but i can't make it.
And today, when i told her that I'm gonna come and find you and she's scared.
Cause is raining.
After that, BabyLow fetched me back to my granny house.
&& here's something which makes me .....
Can i say he's my childhood lover or something like that ?
Or someone which i like since i was so small ?
Okay, whatever.
Well, he's back from NewZealand for vacation.
He's sixteen.
And he's right sitting in the living room when i return.
&& OMFG !
He's so fucking tall !
He changed alot.
The way he dressed, && lots more.
Even heard from my mum that he has a girlfriend in NewZealand.
Well, *hopeless*
LOL. Joking !
That China-Girl-Girlfriend bought him an Audi to drive. WTH.
Yeap. he can drive right now when he's ONLY SIXTEEN !
&& in Malaysia ?! DAMNIT !yeah, that's him and me when we are small.
When we are small, we are ugly. HAHAHAHA.
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