Right after lunch, BabyLow came and fetch me at Restoran HanCity since I'm there with my parents.
Went to Jusco && look for Puimun.
She was with EeHang if I'm not mistaken. LOL.
At last, went to Jusco Imax for a game of XDO.Look at my sohai face again. LOL.
Unfortunately, that game can't be played.
So we decided to walk off.
&& you know what.
We gotta pay for sitting there only 3 minutes eventhough we didn't play anything.
And that girl told us ; "Ohh, sini punya online games memang macam tu, tengoklah nasib. Tapi masih kena bayar. "
Went to look for Apple and LiYuan in SushiKing.
I saw Apple's nose piercing.
Talked for awhile and went off to East Imax.
Whoa ~ finally, we can have a game in there.
We played with someone unknown in Imax sitting right infront us.
Well, she don't know who we are but we know cause we curi tengok dia punya computer.
Bwahahaha !
After some games, we went to McD Drive-Thru because i wanted to buy McFlurry Oreos for someone.
=Dsaw ? the person right infront of us. HAHAA.
banyak slow. HAHAHA.
To this wan. LOL. right infront of my school. HAHAHA.
Look at my lougong serious face driving. HAHAHA.
Went to a temple near Parade, something that called Dong Lian Xiao Zhu.
Passed that McFlurry to that person. =D
She should know i'm talking about her.
Whooooots ! =D
At first, she wants me to come and find her but i can't make it.
And today, when i told her that I'm gonna come and find you and she's scared.
Cause is raining.
After that, BabyLow fetched me back to my granny house.
&& here's something which makes me .....
Can i say he's my childhood lover or something like that ?
Or someone which i like since i was so small ?
Okay, whatever.
Well, he's back from NewZealand for vacation.
He's sixteen.
And he's right sitting in the living room when i return.
&& OMFG !
He's so fucking tall !
He changed alot.
The way he dressed, && lots more.
Even heard from my mum that he has a girlfriend in NewZealand.
Well, *hopeless*
LOL. Joking !
That China-Girl-Girlfriend bought him an Audi to drive. WTH.
Yeap. he can drive right now when he's ONLY SIXTEEN !
&& in Malaysia ?! DAMNIT !yeah, that's him and me when we are small.
When we are small, we are ugly. HAHAHAHA.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Outing to JJ ;
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